Chapter 26

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I manage to get to the dimly lit Parking lot and shove my backpack into the backseat of my car, it's completely deserted here, the only signs of life are from the two fires down at the beach, and the rowdy groups of people sat around them.

"Are you okay?"

I startle from the voice and bang my head against the roof of my car, a groan leaving my lips as I rub the sore spot while pulling myself back out into the parking lot to see who spoke.

"Jesus Harley, you scared me." I breathe, watching as he walks further towards me from where he was leaning against the concrete wall of the parking lot.

"You didn't hear me when I called you." He says shrugging.

"Maybe you should of shouted a bit louder then." I say sarcastically with a roll of my eyes. He ignores my comment and steps further into my personal space, the smell of mint and beer is on his breath as it fans across my cheek.

"Your eyes are so mesmerising." He whispers softly staring at me, his breathing turning shallow as he continues to stare at me as if he's not seen me before now.

I don't know what to do, he's ignored me all this time and now he's saying things like that? I shake my head breaking the spell and step backwards, my back hitting the car as I look away from him.

"I need to go, I'm really late." I say reminding myself more than anything that I really should be going. I just can't bring myself to actually get inside the car with him here.

"I'll take you."

I have to blink at him a few times to understand fully what he's saying. He wants me to go with him? Like leave my car here? I don't think so.

"It's fine you don't need to do that." I say politely, it's the least I could do considering he's being nice right now. I don't want to go back to insulting each other.

"Please?" He pleads softly, his eyes searching my face. "I want to apologise for being a royal dick to you."

I don't disagree with that buddy.

"And we can't do that here? Or better yet, some other time?" I say more harsher than intended. "I really have to go."

I turn around from him and get into the drivers seat as he stands there watching me, the only lights are from the orange coloured street lamps above us, so when I look back at Harley he's got an odd coloured hue to his skin, a frown tugging his pouty lips down.

"Can we talk some other time? I'd like to properly apologise." He asks again leaning over the open door so he's blocking it from me being able to close it.

"Why?" I ask him quietly as I stall my fingers from turning the keys in the ignition. He gives me a confused look.

I sigh and shake my head. "Why now? You've been odd with me for a while and now your deciding to explain yourself? I don't get it."

He blows out a long breath, his head turning to glance down at the beach before he looks back at me, his exprsssion soft unlike the harshness I'm used to now.

"I'm sick of not talking to you when you're around. It's uncalled for awkwardness. Plus, I miss you." He says truthfully, his hands coming out to grasp the top of the car as he ducks his head in to see me better.

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