Chapter 19

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"And I know when that hotline bling!" Ollie screams shaking his bum to the song. He throws his arms up and then points his fingers in my direction. "That can only mean one thing!"

I laugh and shake my head at him. We've been out on the dance floor for a while now, dancing to various different songs and drinking fruit flavoured drinks that I'll be tasting for days after.

"I'm gonna go and get another drink!" I shout pointing towards the bar. He waves  me off and grabs a girls hand and pulls her into him before twirling her, their faces lighting up from the strobe lights overhead as they laugh with each other.

I leave them to it and stumble my way through the sweaty crowd towards the bar. I give my order to the man behind and then flash the VIP pass at him. He nods in acknowledgement and slides two shots towards me. I thank him over the music and tip them back, the taste of cherry entering my tastebuds as I set the glass back onto the bar.

My head feels fuzzy in here from everything, the drinks catching up to my brain as I lean against the bar watching everyone enjoying their selves. I blink when I think I spot a familiar looking guy walking into one of the back rooms, his hood pulled up and a scowl gracing his face.

What the hell is Harley doing here?

I don't have time to ponder over it as my head swivels in the direction of my brother who's stripped out of his jeans and is doing a reenactment of a magic mike scene.

Shaking my disorientated head I try and push through the crowd formed around him and grab his arm.

"Ollie what are you doing?" I slur trying to slap his head, only I miss as it morphs into two.

I blink and squeeze my eyes shut, opening them I try and pin my gaze onto one of him but it's impossible in my drunken state and he starts twirling me around on the spot making it even worse.

"Ollie stop! I'm gonna be sick!" I shout giggling as we stumble to the side.

"Here!" He shouts holding his hand out for me. I accept it as he starts to pull us towards the bar again, his feet stumbling over themselves as he laughs childishly.

"Can we go home now?" I ask slumping into a seat and throwing my head onto the bar surface.

"But the night is young little one!" He gasps offended that I could ask such a question. I pull my head up to see him flashing the pass around his neck to the same bartender as before and then ordering two cocktails of some sort.

"But I'm tired!" I whine with a pout on my lips as he turns to look at me. He's panting heavily from all the dancing we've done and his face is lit up like it's Christmas.

"Just a few more dances and then we'll leave okay?"

I nod reluctantly and grab the cocktail glass as it's placed in front of me. A sickly sweet taste enters my mouth and I tip the rest of it back unladylike because of how good it tastes.

"Oooh!" Ollie shrieks like a girl just as the song changes over. "I'm gonna dance! You joining?" He asks eyeing me expectantly. I push my glass away from me and shake my head.

"Give me a few minutes."

He doesn't need to be told twice as he skips back onto the dance floor and shimmies his way in between a small group of women that are giggling obnoxiously.

"I want one of those!" I shriek as my eyes fall onto the sparkly top one of the girls working here has on. She stops herself behind the bar and swivels in my direction as I get up and lean forward towards her.

"Where can I get that?" I ask excitedly as the sequins on the sleeves shimmer from the lights hitting it. It has the clubs name on the back in bright pink letters and a Alice in wonderland themed picture on the front. Alice's face is covered with swirls and flowers to make it look like a sugar skull and her pinafore style dress is pink instead of blue. Like a magpie drawn to all things shiny my eyes zone in on how pretty it is.

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