Chapter 10

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When you have crazy friends, you have crazy memories.


A heavy warm arm across my stomach has me squirming from my slumber underneath the warm covers of my bed the next morning, pushing the covers away with my feet while grumbling from the heat i try and blink away the sleep in my eyes. Blinking repeatedly as i get used to the brightness coming from the window i take in my surroundings with hazy eyes. Where my desk should be, lays a pile of messy clothes, a large television with gaming systems dot the wall in front of my eyes. What i can see from my blurry vision seems to be a bathroom door to the right of the wall mounted television, cans of deodorant and shaving cream lay messily on the tiled floor as well as a few wet looking towels and clothes.

Startled by my surroundings i bolt up right from the bed while screaming bloody murder at the top of my lungs. A loud thud of skin hitting wood flooring has my wide eyes darting to the other side of the bed where all the sheets have fallen messily. Snapping my mouth shut i shakily walk around to the side of the black framed bed to see a mop of dark hair poking out from the covers on the dark flooring. Lowering my eyes a pair of tanned and tattooed legs poke out from the rest of the black satin sheets causing a shocked squeak to release from my mouth and my feet to stumble backwards in caution.

"Shit, shit, I've killed him." I whisper hoarsely with a dry throat as the body continues to lie still under the sheets.

"Never ever drinking again." The person grumbles groggily from underneath the silky sheets making me release the breath i was holding. Walking closer my feet padding softly against the hard flooring i stick my bare foot out and gently but cautiously nudge the guy's leg as if he could attack at any moment.

Well technically he could, given the situation right now, who's to say i didn't randomly climb up here and fall asleep in this strangers bed without them knowing? or hold him at knife point or something?

Shaking the thoughts away i peer closely as the body goes deathly Still from the contact of my freezing toes. He quickly pulls the covers from his face to see who was disturbing his one sided conversation. Emerald eyes shine widely back at my startled face, His dark pink lips chapped and parted as he opens and closes his mouth trying to figure out what to say as i stand there in front of him just as confused as he is.

"What the ever living fuck!?" He gruffly shouts as he scrambles up to stand at his full height towering in front of me as he runs a hand through his midnight hair confused.

Looking down at my feet nervously, my eyes trail upwards as i take in my lack of clothing, leaving me in my white bra and pink panties. "Holy flying lemurs! Did we have sex?!" I screech mortified as i stand in front of him with red flaming cheeks.

Looking around his room his eyes dart over every nook and cranny, bending down he looks on the wood flooring and under the bed, coming up empty he stands back up and throws his arms up bewildered with eyes imitating a startled bunny. "I don't know! i don't remember anything!" He shouts panicked, his eyes widening even more when he realizes i'm standing almost naked in front of him. Taking in my heavy breathing state his eyes soften slightly and he drops his arms to his head, his bed hair sticking up everywhere as he runs his fingers through it trying to make sense of the situation. Looking around the room again his eyes dart back to my fidgeting form. " How do you feel? your not sore or anything are you?" He questions awkwardly, concern etched all over his face as he stares at me.

Am i sore? no i don't feel weird or anything, not that it would be my first time but surely i would feel something? maybe an aching feeling at least. Jiggling my legs about to test if i am indeed hurting i come up empty and shrug at him. "I feel fine, apart from the circus of elephants stampeding through my head right now and the need to shower, but otherwise i'm pretty much okay." I grumble while wincing and rub my temples to try and ease the dull throbbing feeling surfacing even more towards my eyes.

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