Chapter 3

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You ever feel so tired you can't even mentally form a simple sentence? Yeah well that's how I feel right now.

Two weeks have passed and we are now in the new house, after serving my punishment of no car and made to pack everything up, i'm now a free woman.

Hauling the last box into my new room, I set it down on the wood flooring.

The new room is nothing too fancy. It consists of white walls, dark wood flooring with a nice fluffy black rug on it. Some blackout curtains on the double doors to the right, I also have a basic white desk in the corner with a few necessities on like my laptop and school books. A walk in closet to my left and a bathroom next to it with a big shower in. And my bed is in the middle of the room with my flat screen television on the wall in front and book shelves on the wall next to it.

Oh and the best part of my room? I have a small balcony! I mean how awesome. I can see myself sitting out there in the late summer afternoons reading some of my books with a nice cup of coffee. Ah bliss.

Gazing out towards the double doors in my room that leads to the balcony I can see the sun setting above the neighboring houses,  must be around 8 in the evening right now.

We arrived here at around 9am and we've been busy setting everything up all day.

It took forever.

And it didn't help that I got distracted when Ollie decided to wrap me up in bubble wrap, I had the awesome idea of rolling down the stairs to test if bubble wrap protects you. It doesn't. I spent an hour with an ice pack on my sore head. Don't try that at home kids.

Deciding to leave the boxes of clothes I just set down till tomorrow morning, I get ready for bed.

Getting out of my new black Nissan skyline, I smile at the shininess of it. It had been in the shop getting minor repairs and what not, I wasn't due to have it back but dad surprised me with it after I had been apart from it for a few weeks.

So when dad and mom opened the front door and there it was, well let's just say I may of fainted. OK I did faint, can you blame me? They'd had it customly painted to black instead of the original silver colour I had, and it looks amazing.

I step out and lock the doors after grabbing the few bags of stuff I'd purchased for my room and the few school supplies i needed. Walking up the cobblestone path and towards the steps at the front of the house  I notice that all lights are on  meaning  everyone is home.

I'd spent most the evening shopping at the mall by my self grabbing stuff ready for my new school, so it's quite late into the evening now. Looking up at the sky briefly, the stars twinkle down at me  and the moon is slightly covered by a night cloud.

Shutting the door with my foot I set my keys down on the table at the left of the front door and walk towards the sitting room.

"Mom, Dad! I'm home!" I shout whilst setting the bags down on the wooden flooring, I can hear some clanking noises from plates in the kitchen and the smell of tonight's dinner wafting through the house.

My mother comes through the sitting room door wearing her signature pink frilly apron with a dish cloth in her hands, her hair is up in a loose bun and she has a tired smile on her tanned face.

"Hey sweethea- What the hell Olivia!" she shouts shocked whilst frowning at me.

Doing a little twirl and I flick my hair over my shoulder. "You like mom? I thought I'd go all out, I think the colour really suits me, what you think?" I grin cheekily at her.

Blowing out a long breath of air she places her hand on her forehead. "Well it's certainly going to take some getting used to that's for sure, pink hair Olivia, really? What on earth possessed you to get that colour?" She sighs whilst walking towards me and lifting a few strands to inspect it.

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