Chapter 14

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"Where've you been?" Poppy murmurs as she buckles in her seatbelt after rushing out from the school at the end of the day. Her face is flushed a light pink colour from the coldness in the air and her hair is all shapes from the chilly breeze outside.

Noah and I just made it back in time as the bell went, he rushed off muttering something about finding Maddox and that he would call later to check up on poppy and I. Because we are clearly the ones who need watching over like two year olds. Pfft.

"Had to help find your cousin," I answer with a roll of my eyes as she looks towards me for an explanation,"you know how Noah is, got himself into trouble again." I say casually to which her own eyes roll in an 'of course' manner.

"Right, what else would he be up to?" She chuckles as I pull out from the school parking lot, "can we stop by the grocery store before we head to yours? I need to get some strawberry ice cream. I've been craving it all last lesson."

"Sure, I'm fancying some bubblegum ice cream myself." I admit glancing at her with a grin as I flick the indicator.

"How can you eat that stuff? Ugh." She shivers with a look of disgust as I pull into a parking space outside the store a few minutes later.

"What? It's a nice flavour!" I say defensively as I pull out my wallet from my backpack.

"No it's not, strawberry or any others are a good ice cream choice, but bubblegum? You turn me sick babe." She jokes stepping out of the car as I follow her actions.

After we quickly scour the store for junk food for our night we head back to the car just as it starts to pour down with rain. The sun had set just before we left the store, so the night sky mixed in with the rain and the oncoming thunder makes it look like the apocalypse is happening right now, all we need is some zombies to start chasing us, but looks like we'll have to make do with the meth heads sitting outside the front of the store.

"Ugh this weather is worse than England." Poppy says with a shake of her head as she looks out the window on our way back to my place.

"You sure about that? I heard it rains like 90% of the time there." I ask with a grin as she scowls at me.

"Try 95% of the time." She grumbles as I pull into the driveway and shut the engine off.

"Well you're  back where you belong now, so stop complaining," I mention as she follows me to the trunk of the car quickly as we try and shield ourselves from the rain."come on, grab a bag and haul ass woman!" I screech as the rain starts to soak through my clothes.

"I'm going as quickly as possible! Fuck sakes it's slipping because my hands are wet!" She shouts over the thunder that's started in the sky as she tries to grab the bag. Her hair sticking to her forehead as she tries her best to blow it out of her eyes.

Finally picking it up, I quickly lock the car and run as best as possible towards the front door with Poppy hot on my tail.

"You can take a shower if you want, I'll set up the food and snacks and then hop in after you." I say my teeth chattering and my body shivering from the cold as I place the bags on the kitchen counter.

"You can join me if you want babe." She flirtatiously jokes with a wink as she saunters out of the kitchen and up the stairs to my bedroom, her converse shoes squeaking against the floorboards.

"You thirsty for some Olivia time?!" I shout laughing as I hear her laughter boom from the top of the stairs before the sound of the door closing.

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