Chapter 13

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"Hey Maddox... and Olivia?" Noah questions confused as he glances between myself and Maddox, a gun held up in front of him and pointed at the three guys that currently surround him.

While keeping his gun held up, his eyes look towards my figure standing close to Maddox, then he glares at him harshly.  A look that has me stunned, not his glaring, the fact he's glaring at Maddox. The person I secretly ship him with.

"Why'd you bring her? She shouldn't be here!" He barks looking away from him and back to me with a look of concern before narrowing his eyes at an unaffected Maddox.

With his own gun held up and pointed at the backs of the men who are yet to turn around at our sudden appearance, Maddox tilts his head to look at me then nudges his gun in my direction. "The fuck was I suppose to do idiot?" He retorts angrily  while shrugging his big shoulders.

With a shake of his head Noah laughs, a chilling sound filled without any trace of humor. "Oh I don't know, how about leave her there? Yeah that sounds about right." He seethes.

Feebly stepping closer to Maddox I raise my hand and cough awkwardly gathering their attention from their little stare down,"I'm right here guys!" I shout annoyed as I look between them.

"Oh I can see that!" Noah snaps sarcastically before his narrowed eyes land on me,"Leave Olivia, you shouldn't be here." He mutters, the annoyance and anger leaving his tone suddenly and instead is replaced with his familiar softness.

Scoffing I ignore Maddox's attempts to grab me and walk towards Noah,"You want me to leave?" I ask annoyed and pissed off at him as I step further into the little circle he's surrounded in while also not bothering to look at the people who have held him captive, as I poke his chest with my finger, "I'm not leaving, you think you can scare us half to death with a vague message and then disappear? I don't think so buddy." I spit, the anger seeping through my tone more than I would like as his eyes widen at my outburst before narrowing again back to his annoyed look that's really starting to piss me the fudge off.

"You need to leave. Right now. This has nothing to do with you, I'm sorry for concerning you, but you really shouldn't be here in the middle of this." He says in a pleading tone as his eyes dart to behind me.

"Oh no you don't, you know how far we walked? How far I had to walk? I'm pretty sure my exercise  is done for at least three years. Also pretty sure I have blisters on my feet the size of a small village, oh and don't forget the amount of sweating I done, I probably smell just like a boys locker room on a hot summers day." I rant my voice going higher toward the end as he tries to swallow his laughter down.

"So no, person I call my best friend, I am not leaving. I did not just go through all that emotional and physical torture for you to turn around and tell me to leave! You big stupid curly headed, sky scraper high annoyingly tanned to perfection in the summer little bitch!" I scream stomping my foot as he bursts out laughing, unable to hold it in any longer as I pant heavily in front of him. Now feeling a lot better at getting that all off my chest and out in the open with him.

"Feeling better?" He asks the laughter simmering down as he eyes me closely. Nodding my head I blow out a breath.

"Stella would you get back here, remember what I told you earlier? You think you could stick to that?" Maddox grumbles pointedly from behind me. Turning around from facing Noah I almost do a double take as I look closely at the guys in front of me who are currently holding guns up to my face.

"The fuck guys? Put them down!" I screech smacking the guns away with my hands as they glare at me in shock. Maddox and Noah Screaming frantically to stop what I'm doing and that I'm making the situation worse.

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