Chapter 1

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Gazing out towards the large arched window on my right from my seated position on the brown leather sofa, i wince slightly from the high pitched ringing in my ears coming from the woman to the left hand side of me.

Sighing loudly from boredom i focus my gaze on to the wildly swaying rose bushes in the neighbors yard opposite and tuck  my feet underneath me to keep my bare feet warm.

I flit my attention from the falling petals and wet lawn to tilt my head up slightly to look at the grey clouds that have blocked the bright moon from peeking through.

Rain pelts against the window drowning out the screeching voice, making it sound like a thousand tiny rocks are being thrown at the double glazed glass and a dying cat being executed at the same time. Trees sway back and fore like they're doing a majestic rain dance and the sounds of thunder in the distance rumbles faintly.

Craning my neck to the left i fix my bored but amused gaze onto mom who's sitting down on the 2 seated sofa.

Her milky pin straight chocolate locks fall around her pointed face framing it nicely, and her piercing Mossy green eyes locks onto my relaxed frame. Thin Tanned arms are rested neatly on her pin up style flowery patterned dress and red high heels accent her carefully planned outfit of the day.

"Olivia Faith Wild so help me, if you don't sit up straight and pay attention right this instant, i won't be held responsible for my actions." she snaps whilst Pursing her bright blood red lips into a thin line and narrowing her eyes into little slits. Huffing she turns her head to my father who's sitting awkwardly next to her petite frame. Giving a slight head nod in my direction with a pointed stare she motions with her arms towards me.

His short blonde locks fall messily over his forehead making his round face look boyish, whilst his folded arms across his chest show his muscles through his crisply ironed white polo shirt that mom ironed him this morning. long legs are folded at the ankle just in front of the coffee table in his black dress pants and his shiny black dress shoes glisten from the living room chandelier's light.

Sighing softly he looks away from her deathly gaze and turns his head towards my bored expression.

"What your mother is trying to say Darling is, you cant go around doing things like that to people. Everything you do, no matter how big or small always has consequences." He says Fixing me with his best stern father look.

My parents try to play the bad cop, good cop in these type's of situations. Or so I like to think. Dad believes they should go easy whilst mom thinks all out is the best answer. They say opposites attract, well considering their personalities, it definitely does.

Dad's always been the mellow and calm one in their relationship, whilst mom is the screeching angered banshee. Dad try's to keep the peace in these types of situations between us. Not that i shout back at them or anything, god no. I like my freedom. And being alive.

I managed to inherit my father's dirty blonde hair color, But somehow I have one blue eye and the other is green. So technically i'm really half mom half dad.

My older brother Oliver has mom's hair color only his is slightly darker than her's. His eyes are a lovely bright bubble-gum blue color accenting his tanned skin tone which he also inherited from mom. Lucky for him.

My skin is like dad's, a nice olive color that never seems to darken no matter how many times i try and catch a golden tan in the summertime.

Rolling my eyes dramatically and folding my arms across my chest to mimic his pose, i drop my gaze to the coffee table that's separating us. "She deserved it, I put up with her pranks and rude comments long enough." Huffing  i flit my eyes upwards when i hear a little screech come from mom's mouth.

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