Part 34 : When the Pot Calling the Kettle Black

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"Yeah Aunty, How are you?" She said after the second she let her go. My mom beamed brightly as she scanned up and down on Flynn.

"I'm great. I'm great! You've grown so much!" She gushed ecstatically and this time I did roll my eyes.

"I left some gift in the car, I'll go bring them"

"Oh come on, have dinner first." My mom dragged Flynn in and I chuckled. Dinner went by surprisingly good, and the sound of laughter was heard with the charmer around the table. By the time dinner ended, I was exhaust. My side was hurt with all the joke she told.

"Don't forget to come here more often okay?" Mom clutched the bags in hand as she walked us off toward the car, looking at Flynn adoringly.

"Of course Aunty." and mom turned to me.

"Why don't you sleep here?"

"No mom, I have to be at the shop early tomorrow. I have a huge order to make this weekend so..." I trailed off as mom nodded understandingly. I ignored Flynn eyes when mom waved us in and we're off her road in second. I told the direction toward my apartment and she drove calmly. I waited a beat, wanting to ask her more than one question but the image of her strong cord muscle on the wheel was sensually distracting. And I wanted nothing more that to blow out a big breath and fanned my flaming face.

Luckily, I told myself not to sip on those wine mom offered.

"Why don't you live with mom?" I was growing irritated at the tone she used, like I was her concerned. Jason Mraz unhurried croon was streaming softly out of the speaker and I bit my lips at the lyrics.

Right, I'm Yours.Just a song we used to fantasize in a long time ago.

"I wanted to live on my own, so end of discussion" I couldn't help the verbal diarrhea as soon as they flew out of my lips. I had my own space, my personal living area and that was not so far from my parent, but closer to my shop and I guess that was working out just fine for me.

"It's not safe for a girl like you to live alone." She turned the wheel to the road of my apartment while I gaped at her audacity. A girl like me? What's wrong with me?

"And what's wrong with a girl like me?" I rubbed my finger on my temples at the way she jerked my emotion around so bad. Just in a couple hours.

"A girl who needed protection" We stopped at the underground parking lot and her words just a struck a vocal cord in my chest. She made it hard to breath. She didn't just barge in my life, demand to protect me when I was left alone and bare to this big cruel world. I blinked when her husky soft voice made me long to feel protected again, the protectiveness from no one other than her. And I swore a long time ago that I wouldn't need those fairytale illusions anymore.

But the deep agitate prickled down my gut was telling me that she'd make me wanted to live in the blinding fairytale once again without even trying.

"I guess, I've gotta go" I murmured, the longer I was in the deeper I sink into lust. My head was sneering at my body at how hotly I wanted to rip my damn satin dress off and offer my bare steaming self on the plate for her.

And my brain won't let me do that, after all the thing she hurt me, on purpose.

"I'll walk you to the door" Without waiting for any further affirmative she was on her heels outside the car and I nervously followed behind.

I couldn't tell my breath to calm down as the door of the elevator shut tight and I pressed the 12 button. Those piercing eyes fixed darkly on me from the corner and I cursed at the buzzed of electricity around us.

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