Part 8 : Clumsy Adorable Girl

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This is another part where I try Flynn point of view. So, Enjoy ;)

Flynn POV

I grabbed my phone, contemplated on calling her or not.

Ellie, just the name made my lips twitched unconsciously. That girl, a small petite girl with long black shiny hair, twinkling eyes that seemed to widen in shyness whenever I got close. A girl with small waist that always tempted me to grabbed and dragged her close, not to mention that she fitted perfectly just by my one arms. That girl with a smile like an angel but could ignore you for the rest of the day without batting an eyelid, whenever you got on her bad side, I didn't know why I like to teased her so much, I guess I used it as a reason to held her close. A girl that made me wanted to protect her without even trying. A girl that no one care even she has friend, those idiot friend that seems to dragged her around, and I just got myself worked up thinking 'bout that. A girl that so insecure about everything and I think I got in trouble when I found myself trying to reassure her everything.

She perfect just the way she is, even the stubborn little head of hers.

I shook my head, didn't understand the way I reacted with her.

When I saw her eyes dropped down to her hand with her cheeks heated up, my inside actually gone crazy, I actually grabbed her closed and I feel like I was ten feet higher when she looked around frantically for what I don't know, I just know that I held some power over her made me feel alive, and I was like someone else, someone who's not broken.

I like the way she depend on me without even knowing.

This time I let myself smile widely.

She's been quite for a whole day, no texted, no calls, what was she doing? I lied in my bed and it's two in the afternoon, we were taking a spring break. I grumbled, did she not miss me? She's been driving nuts lately.

Okay, let her miss me. I thought, annoyed.

Last night I let her sleep, listen to nothing in her rooms and the sound actually soothed me to sleep, knowing she's here. It's weird I know.

I threw my phone away, decided that I don't texted or call her this time and let her miss me. I played on my playstation for a while, irritated at myself for flicking to my phone nearly a hundred times for the past hours.

I grabbed my phone as I fumed at myself, idiot. You missed her too much. I got to my favorite speed dial and she was there, Baby Boo, as I texted.

---Me--- Where r u, baby boo? Why so quite?

---Ellie--- I'm home, you? ;)

---Me--- I'm home too, playing game, and I miss you bay girl;(;(;(;;;;;(

---Ellie--- Hahaha I miss you too, what are you doing anyway?

---Me--- Playing game, missing you. Don't miss me?

---Ellie--- of course I do, just afraid to bother you that's why. :(

---Me--- You don't bother, want to get bite again?

---Ellie--- What? You even threaten me over texted now? ;D

---Me--- I want to bite you, what to do now?

---Ellie--- .\/. No you little monkey. I still have your mark on my belly. ;D

---Me--- I want to bite my little pig right now. Wait for me haha

---Ellie--- LOL Nope .\/. Don't you talked to anyone else right now?

Why would I? Why did she always ask like that? That girl, still have no clue that I want to talked to only her, my naïve little girl. I shook my head then realize I was alone and replied. I guess she'll provoke me until I squeezed her in my arms again.

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