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The door bell rang alarming the one soul who becomes hysterical at each and every ring of the bell for last one week.

It has become her habit to turn her super active mode on, the moment, the door bell rings and  literally hopping to her room.

Her this habit had worried and annoyed her family and bizzare was beside calming it was raging and annoying her as well.

The reason, everytime, she runs and later finds that, no, the person reasoned was not at the door to drag her but some random vendors, some neighbours and some friends.

She would conclude that she is annoyed because she once again made her family worried and more over herself a joke.

Deep down, hidden was annoyance for his disappearance as well.

Is his ego actually that important that he did not feel to meet, talk or see her once?

Couldn't he pay a simple visit to his mother-in-law, who sings her praise songs whole day?

If only, she knew, what kind of a beast her oh-so-best Daamadji is.

Forget coming, that snobbish man after initiating intimacy and then a verbal wwe didn't even feel the need to call her once.

Couldn't he assure her that he would correct every incorrect?

Would he never rectify his mistakes?

Would he never announce their relationship to the world?

Is she that unworthy, to be claimed to be loved but couldn't be declared as his wife?

Is she that low in comaparison to him?

Tears pooled in her eyes. If its like that then what she did was best. She did do right by coming back, to the place, she belongs but no more her heart and soul.

The door was knocked frantically bringing her out of the reverie. She looked at each and every member of her family who had their eyes and sole concentration on her and even after sever rings and knocks no one stood to open the door but just staring at her.

Why are you all staring at me and not attending the visitor?

Khushi asked amused to which her father replied mockingly-

Umm, Princess, we were waiting for your hopping to the room.

Damn!  Now that's an embarrassment.

No, she won't let her image to be ruined.

Agitated, she asked-

What do you mean?

Her parents looked at her with raised eyebrows which made her furious and she shouted-

I don't run in fear of being dragged by him to his home.

Granny couldnt help but chuckle making her realise what she actually blurted out.

Stupid, stupid mouth of mine.

She looked at each and everyone of them and thumping her hands on the table she declared -

You know what, I will prove it to you all.
I will open the door this time.

With that she ran to open the door, to show her family that whatever her mouth spoke was a lie. She is not someone to be actually terrified by a ruthless,tyrant husband.

The door was opened with her charming smile only to blow in air on seeing the visitor.

His body tightened, fist clenched, teeth gritted, eyes dangerous and he was breathing fire.

Why on Earth this happens with her only?

For the last one week when like a fool she ran to her room at every single knock, the person turned out to be any, any random one but today when she tried to play carefree and open the door, the visitor had to be the one she was running from.




Her husband.

An obsessed like Othelo, Husband.

Bur why is she not upset or terrified?

Why the hell she feels like squealing and hugging this beast?

Is it that she herself wants to be dragged by that beast of her husband who God knows what would do with her for leaving him again?

She gulped on seeing whole of the Raizadas behind her husband with nervousness and confusion all over their face.

So, the moment she had been dreading has come. He has come to take her with him. His stiff postures says it all. He isn't going to pay any heed to any plead. He is obsessed with determination to complete his purpose of visiting here. He won't back off at any cost.

But will you back off Khushi?  Even after knowing that he l is being a tyrant and not a dutiful husband?
A voice echoed in her mind. It was her brain. She asked a valid and genuine question and it gave Khushi, the courage to stand against the love she loves more than herself, for her self respect.

Yes, definitely she loves him more than herself but not on the cost of her dignity, her self-respect.

She braced herself for the upcoming war between obsessed love and self-respect but her jaws dropped along with every member of the family, when, he, the obsessed, possessive, madly-in-love husband gave her, his wife, a non-existant material treatment and dashed towards the dining area where by now, everyone stood to greet their Son-in-law.

Arnav quickly took blessings from the elders but his actions showed that he is here for something stormy, something steamy.

Akash, who had chosen to stay in his room in the pretext of working came out hearing the commotion and the moment Arnav saw him, taking too long strides reached him and gripped his collars in a deathly tight fist.

Everyone shrieked in sheer horror while Akash was baffled.

His blood-shot eyes conveyed that he has got his pray for the day and cleared that his purpose of visiting here with all his family members is no where related to Khushi but Akash.

Khushi ran to free her brother from his husband's clutch while Payal stood at her place too numb to react. It was for good that Aarav what at his school, spared from witnessing such horrible moment.

Arnav was giving heated looks to Akash while Khushi was asking him with raged expression to leave him. But, the King was cold and ignorant. His clutch was tightening more and more with each passing second and was accelerating everyone's heartbeat rate.

Arnav, leave me. Akash finally commanded in a cold voice. He was calm, despite being in his clutch.

Moments later, a very possessive brother finally asked-

Did you love Payal ever, Akash?

To be continued..

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Do check my new story ARRANGED TO LOVE.

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