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Hello my beautiful readers..

M back with the first update of this story of this year.. And m sorry for not updating for almost two weeks..

Hope you all enjoy it..

Vulnerability was at its pinnacle for King Arnav today.. He would come across something this ugly again was something he had never thought..

The sight of his sister crying bitterly sitting on the ground in defeat wasn't leaving his mind nor was letting him being in peace..

It was as if someone had thrown a bucket of cold water on his illusions waking him up and unleashing infront of him the repercussions of his wrong decisions..

It was almost choking him with the realisation that not only his own and Khushi's but.. But he had destroyed his sister's life as well in the process of decorating everyone's life as per his decision..

His sister's denying and uncertain expressions on the day of her marriage was now haunting him.. It had thought it to be her nervousness and while portraying himself as a king he had not once for once assured her with his brotherly warmth and love like childhood but he had made sure that his mother and Lavanya be by her side and calm her down.. It wasnt that he didnt wanted to assure her but due to some reason he just couldn't do it..

He looked at his hands.. With these.. He had done her Kanyadaan and had folded his hands with request and respect in front of Shyam to keep her sister happy.. Now that moment was suffocating him.. He.. Himself had given her in those hands of that evil man.. He..himself pushed her sister in that hell..

He felt like punishing himself for trusting a wrong person that too for his sister and failing in knowing about his wrong intentions..

Yes he was a king.. He needed to be strict but then he was a family man too.. It was quite natural on his part to be hurt and feel pain and weak after seeing his sister's who was more like a daughter to him devasted state and life..

He was standing at the terrace of Aman's house while the function was going downstairs.. He always felt that the cold aur which always touched gis face was his father's warmth.. Like he is with him and guiding her but today he felt like those cool air were slapping him.. His father was hurt and shamed upon him.. He failed as a brother.. He failed as a king..

He let out a loud grunt before falling on his knees.. Thankfully the loud music made it unreachable to others ears.. He kept breathing heavily for next 2 to 3 minutes and then was about to hit his hands in the ground to let go all his frustation when suddenly a pair of hands stopped him in his track..

He looked at the person to dared to intrude in his personal space with his red lava like eyes but in the next moment his all anger was washed off on learning who the person is..

Now.. He cant dare to stop that person because his everything is hers.. His Personal space as well.. But then.. He wasn't ready again for what happened half an hour ago..

After bearing his soul through his eyes to her.. He had left to make few arrangements for the upcoming destruction of that leech.. And then he just needed some time to cope up with the fact that now Khushi knows his state..

Hell.. He didn't want that.. He didnt want her to pity or being docile to him just because of this..

He was ashamed in showing his vulnerabilities to her.. No.. Never.. Because she is his wife.. His life partner and he would love to have her by his side in his hard times as much as in happy and light ones..

He looked other side and then heard Khushi say-

Don't let out your pain like this King.. Make your Pain.. Your Strength..

He looked at her with shock and surprise both.. The look in her were not of angst or hurt today.. It just conveyed a silent message that she is with him in this.. No matter what..

It soothed his half pain almost instantly and he started hoping for this very support for his lifetime..

Human Being is a strange creature.. Full of hopes and full of expectations.. Give him a finger and he will catch your hand but then God has made him capable enough too to either use those hands for his selfishness or to hold it tight and be each other's support in no matter what comes..

Same was the situation with King this time.. He started hoping that Khushi would forgive him but then he looked keenly in depth of her eyes.. And like she had her way to his thoughts.. He too had.. That look cleared off the air in his head..

May be she is a support for him in this but she still doesnt trust him for herself and it pained her and stabbed his already wounded heart some more..

He stood up from the ground and dusted off his clothes.. His support had hit on the right point.. Its not the time to be weak and waste the pain just like that.. Instead he need to make his.. His sister's.. His family's pain and the betrayal faced as a weapon and then punishment their culprit with that very weapon.. May be it won't rectify the mistake but would do justice for sure.. It would surely sooth the pain if not erase it..

He inhaled deeply and after setting his clothes and hairs turned towards Khushi who again came face to face to that Powerful.. Just King with a very loving brother's heart.. She smiled not at him but his determination to make his Sister's culprit pay.. He would definitely not let his sister be a victim.. He won't be his shield in which he would hide her.. Rather would unleash the fighter residing within her..

At that time.. She truly.. Purely and utterly felt proud to know a person like him.. He had just each and every quality in him in the right proportion.. He is.. He is just perf.. Well.. She couldnt even complete perfect in her mind as those haunted memories when he was nothing but a devil for her.. Came running to her mind.. So.. No.. He.. He isn't perfect.. He is just a perfect brother and son and friend..

Once she was sure that he has gathered himself.. She decided to leave him alone to plan his move.. She turned to leave when suddenly he called her-

Khushi.. In that very husky voice which had the power to make her go weak on her knees but then the voice came as shaken.. Torn and Broken today and unknown to her.. The wifey of him inside her cried along too.. No.. She just can't bear him this broken.. Its suffocating her and then and there my readers she realised.. She can never.. Never ever hate this person who happens to be her husband.. She has always been in love with him and will always love him madly.. Crazily and Selflessly with all her will and might..

To be continued..

Thank you to all those who voted and commented on the previous chapter..

Do vote and comment if you liked it..

WHEN THE ROYAL BOWED DOWN TO LOVE(COMPLETED) #ICAМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя