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After getting his work done the way he wanted.. Arnav happily hopped out of his in-laws house  and driving his car he left for his own while his wife just stood at her place dumbfolded..

Parking the car.. He made his way to the hall with silent steps and a sly smile while feeling the feel of that peck that he stole from his wife.. He was about to accend the stairs but the illuminating lights from the kitchen caught his attention..and even he heard some commotion over there.. So to check it he went towards it but then his eyes widened at the sight in front of him..

The whole kitchen was a mess.. Lavanya was sitting on the counter and was sniffling continuously.. Arnav was hell worried but then he sighed and couldn't help but roll his eyes when he saw NK standing beside the refrigerator with his head hung low with flour all over his apron and body..

Well.. Mr. Husband was trying to cook for his wife at this hour of night..

Arnav couldn't help but smile nodding his head like no..

Lavanya and her mood swings.. This pregnancy has truly changed her to an active volcano and its contact victim was her husband..

He entered the kitchen to check them.. As soon as Lavanya saw him.. She shouted..

ASR.. I hate your brother.. He doesn't love me.. He can't do anything for me..

Saying this she burst into crying while the brother duo ran to pacify the lady..

Lavanya.. Calm down.. Its not good for the baby..

Baby.. Baby.. Baby.. You all care just about the baby.. No one cares for me and my hunger.. I hate you both.. M leaving this house.. Right now..

Baby.. Don't say that.. Look.. I tried to cook but sorry its little burnt..
Please don't cry and please don't leave..
I love you more than our baby..

What kind of father you are?
You dont love him?
My baby is unwanted?
He will be a Burden for you?
ASR.. Your brother doesnt love our baby..

She was high on her mood swings..
She was hungry and was crying uncontrollably..

Both sighed.. These moodswings of her had taken a toll not only on her but everyone.. Including NK.. Everyone someone has to be the victim of it and guess King's day to face her moodswings had come too..

He held her hand which was about to slap his little brother and said-
Lavanya.. You are hungry right then let me cook something for you..

NK's eyes widened while Lavanya looked at him more angrily and shouted-
If you cook worse then him then I will leave the house.. You get me..

NK looked at his wife.. Wow.. No one dared to raise their tone infront of the king till now and here his wife was not only shouting but blackmailing him too and the shocking part was that the king was even following her orders without even a tinge of irritation and anger.. How can that happen? Till yesterday he became angry even if somebody from them asked him about his food or work and today he is all cool.. What happened suddey in a day?

Upon that he will cook?
Like.. Real cooking and King?
That too.. He suggested that himself..

Oh God.. Its too much..

Arnav brought him out of his thoughts-
NK.. Will you keep staring us or help me with this?
M cooking for my friend but she is your wife..

Yes.. Yes. Bhai. I will help you.. Saying this NK hurriedly made his way towards his brother..

The brothers started cooking while Lavanya started taking selfies with them..