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Khushi was struggling to free herself and tears were making its way from her eyes continuously..

No.. She wasn't crying because she was afraid of being Kidnapped..

She wasn't afraid at all because she very well knew the person who has dragged her..

She doesn't even need to see him..Because she knew the touch of the person..

It was noone else but that monster who claims to be her husband but in front of her only..

Yes.. Indeed she was right..
It was Arnav..
He threw her on the bed of that dark room which used to be their secret place in their childhood.. Securing so many beautiful memories within..

But All those memories which she cherished till her teenage were now a painful past for her..

Their bickering.. Their love.. Her tantrums.. His ways of pamper.. Her fake anger.. His genuine attempt to make her Happy..

All those flashbacks played in her mind like a picture making her weak but no.. She can't let that happen..

She doesn't need those memories..  to haunt her..

She stood and advanced towards the gate but just when she passed Arnav.. She felt him hugging her tightly and possesively from behind.. Just the way he used to.. In their childhood..

Khushi stood still thinking-

Why the hell is he doing all these?
Why now?
Why not when I needed him?

Is he trying to manipulate my decision my making me remember our childhood or will he again behave like that day?

In any case his hands will remain emptied..

M not going to be weak come what may..
If he is trying to make me remember our childhood and thinking that he will make me ready for what he said then he is wrong because those memories mock me noe that how much fool of a person I  was to trust upon a person like him

And by any chance if he is going to force me again.. Then the consequence this time will be the ugliest..

She struggled to free herself but his hold on her tightened and now he even kept his chin on her shoulders hiding his face in her hairs..

Arnav said inhaling the smell of her fruity shampoo-
Relax Wifey..
I was just missing you..
Let me feel you..

Just leave me Arnav.. Demanded a struggling Khushi..

You are allowed to demand anything but not this Wifey.. Arnav said hugging her more tightly..

Arnav.. Before Khushi could retort Arnav sushed her..

Arnav-Sshhh.. Shut up Khushi..
Do you have any idea how I felt when you fainted just in front me and I couldn't do anything?

I was so worried..
Promise me wifey.. You won't do that again to me.. The mighty king said like a small child

Khushi smiled painfully asking-
Why Arnav?

Why were you concerned?

As far as I know and you keep saying.. You have no feelings for me.. You don't love me.. Then why this much concern?

She could feel Arnav gulping and being conscious..

Because.. He started but paused

Because.. She demanded with a challenge in her tone..

WHEN THE ROYAL BOWED DOWN TO LOVE(COMPLETED) #ICAWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt