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Hello.. My Beautiful Readers..
First of all.. A very Happy Birthday to Sanaya Irani..
May she always be happy and bubbly the way she is in her real life as well as reel.. The magic she created as Khushi has been lively till now.. So Thank You for being one such lively and jovial actress

Aman turned to poolside from where he heard the manly authoritive voice of noone else but the King..

Well.. As per the order of Rajmata everyone left Khushi alone except the King..

He went to poolside to keep an eye on Khushi.. So when she wakes up and in case needs anything.. He could help but when he saw Aman entering the room and smiling at her sleeping positions.. The jealous husband again popped out..

Aman asked amused-Excuse me?
What did you say?
Someone else's wife?

Stop Kidding King.. Sarcasm was clearly visible in his voice

Well.. Bro.. She is going to be mine pretty soon.. You know.. Only mine.. He said giving stress to only mine..

Arnav grabbed his collar in anger and roared jerking him-
Dare you say that you *******
Few days ago you were asking me to give our relation the position it deserves and now you are planning to marry my wife

I guess.. I was stupid back then..
You see.. I didnt affect you and if you dont want to accept her and i have a chance then Who can let the chance go of having such a girl in his life? Kindhearted.. Intelligent.. Sweet.. Bubbly.. Beautiful and much more..

No one but only a stupid insane person would dare to loose such girl and m not that for sure

And yes.. I know its your room but there is my fiance to be is sleeping

She is my wife dammit.. Roared the possessed husband

And what proof do you have? Aman said as a matter of fact

He continued while Arnav was loosing his calmness..

Aman-Have you ever said it to anyone?

Stop making mockery of yourself king and let my fiance move on in her life WITH ME..

Arnav said with confidence-If you think.. You can take her away from me then you are wrong..

You are a bloody traitor..

Aman asked amused-How come I be a traitor?

Its not like.. You are going to accept her.. Are you?

Then step aside King..
I know I don't have power like you but when any thing or anyone bothers my family then I can go to any extend..

And yes instead of taking care of my fiance and threatening me.. Prepare yourself to clear the mess you created yourself..
Your finance's and family's questioning eyes are ready to demand answers for the extra concern you showed for my fiance

Arnav smirking now-If you think I will let you marry her then its an illusion Aman.. She is mine.. I own her till she is breathing and even after that..

Consider it the last warning.. Back off else what would happen next would make you regret forever..

And regarding my Fiance..
Well I already have a wife Aman..
Why would I need a fiance..

Aman now doubted that Arnav is upto something.

Their verble wrestling would have continued had if they not heard the shrieking of Khushi..
Their concentration shifted to Khushi who was now trying to open her eyes slowly..

Arnav ran towards her while Aman could just smirk at the miserably concerned husband..

Khushi opened her eyes and first thing rather say first person she saw was Arnav whose face was hovered upon her sitting besife her and his eyes were full of worry and anger..

She was surprised..
Why would the King be so concerned for his not so Royal and unaccepted wife..

He cupped her cheeks lovingly but she jerked his hands as soon as he touched her..
He was hurt and Aman chuckled mockingly earning a glare from Arnav and Khushi too noticed that even Aman was here..

She became alert..
Are they again going to have that ugly fight like they did on coronation day?
No.. She can't let that happen..
She tried to sit..
Arnav held her shoulders ignoring her murderous glare..
She once again jerked his hand but to Arnav's luck She directly fell on him due to weakness..

Dhak.. Dhak.. Dhak.. Dhak..
The heartbeats of them started beating in sync and Aman could do Nothing but staring at them with his nowadays usual smirk..

Arnav once again touched her shoulders gently and made her sit comfortably by the headrest..

He then offered her some water but she turned her face away..

He held her cheeks in anger and began to make her drink water forcefully..

And this was the lurking moment which welcomed NK.. Payal and Lavanya who came to check on Khushi as well as Aman..

Aman became alert seeing them and said- Ohh.. Just look at the LOVE of King for his friend..
More than her fiance.. He is worried for her..

While NK aweed at his brother's soft side which was rare to be seen.. Payal could feel pity for her best friend and brother but the one who was hurt listening to this was Lavanya..

Now after all these.. She was very confused regarding what Khushi and Arnav share and is her decision regarding this marriage is correct or not

Aman went towards Khushi and cupping his cheeks asked lovingly-
Are you fine Khushi?
I was scared you know..
Take rest.. You don't need to stress yourself for anything..
Because m always there for you.. He said that to Khushi but eyeing at Arnav as if challenging him..and if looks could kill Aman would have died till now.. With the murderous glare of King..

Khushi smiled at him weakly..
She has started feeling bad now.. For Aman..
He was so loving.. So caring and so understanding..
He is everything that a girls wants her life partner to like..
A loving.. Kind.. Humble person..

When he was a friend he was the best and now in the role of her fiance.. He is simply perfect..

She felt that somewhere its injustice for Aman..
She can give her 100% in this relationship..
And she needs to have a final talk with Aman..
Not due to fear of warnings of King..
No because she still loves her husband..
Not because she wanted to be with Arnav.. And may be she will always..
But just because she can't be disloyal to the one person who stood beside her in every thick and thin from the day they became friends..

Yes.. She has decided.. She will speak to him clearly that she can never love anyone else and if then also he is ready to give a chance to their relationship.. Then she will also not leave any stone unturned to keep him happy.. may be just as a friend but she will never hurt him..
Now its not about her.. Her feelings or how much she herself will be hurt but just for her true friend because he is one such gem of a person..

Well.. This is what Khushi thinks about him.. But do you too actually think so?
Is he actually a gem of a person?
Or the story has some parts unrevealed yet?

To be continued..

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