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The bride was completely broken and it was clearly evident on her face..
But the only person who was actually at peace after all these was busing in celebrating the victory of his master plan..
He finally achieved what he wanted to and this was the happiest moment for him.. The King..

What is this?
How this can happen?
Khushi what are you doing at Lavanya's place?

Where are Lavanya and Aman?

Meanwhile NK came with terrified Lavanya and confused Aman..

The duo was rooted at the spot witnessing the scene..
Khushi engaged to Arnav and was standing like a statue devoid of any emotions

Rajmata in anger- M asking you something Khushi

Arnav- Maa.. Why are you asking her?
If she would have known then she wouldn't have let that happen..
Right Khushi?

Though he said all these taking Khushi's side in front of Rajmata.. But at the end.. He mocked Khushi..

Khushi who was till now still in a state of shock looked at him with her red angry eyes..

She didn't say anything but tried to bring the ring out but seems like Arnav purposely chose one size small ring for her so that she couldn't take it out like the last time.. He smirked teasingly seeing her futile attempt to free herself from his right on her.. And she could just glare him back with disgust..

Yes.. Last time when he made her wear the ring forcefully.. She had removed it and the next day when he saw her empty ring finger he had already decided what he had to do the next time he makes her wear the ring..

If she wanted she could have slapped him hard right on his devilish face and that would have swift off that smirk from his face..
She could also have disclosed their relationship in front of everyone right at the moment but she chose not to..

Because no matter how bad Arnav is for her but he is like an idol for his state people..
She can't keep his respect at stake even if he did that because this is what exactly the difference between them..

But that King wasn't going to be spared for the stunt he had pulled..
He will have to give her the answers and no this time he won't be spared.. He will pay for it but not on the cost of his position and respect in front of the society..

He claims to be her husband.. So now she will ask him as a wife only that how can he play with his wife's respect in presence of all.. How could he make a joke of her and the ring ceremony and he will have to answer her.. This time there is no going back..

Her thought had a stop when she heard..

But.. How can this happen and Where are Lavanya and Aman.. It was Garima this time who raised a valid question.

Not to mention.. The brilliant actor was still keeping his tight devoid of emotions face

We should look after them first and we can think about this later..  as soon as he said that they found NK coming downstairs with Lavanya and Aman..

Lavanya was looking terrified while Aman was also distressed.. It looked like they had been in some danger but rescued at the nick of the time..

The trio stood rooted to the spot registering the situation..
The diamond ring shining proudly on Khushi's ring finger along with the ring on Arnav's ring finger was clearly indicating them that a major incident had taken place in their absence clearly showing who belongs to whom..