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Arnav came inside his room and opening the closet took out a photo.. He smiled looking at the lady in the picture but soon his anger bubbled and in anger he burned that picture but soon realised what he did.. And started his attempt to save the picture from burning.. His palms burned in the attempt but at last he succeeded.. He hugged the picture tightly..
And cried..

Please come back Khushi.. M dying without you over here.  I had promised I won't search you and I abided by it but now its impossible for me to survive without you.
Your Arnav needs you.. Come back Khushi please..

That day after their last conversation..
Khushi disappeared.. When.. Where.. No one knows..

WHEN THE ROYAL BOWED DOWN TO LOVE(COMPLETED) #ICANơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ