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Arnav's heart indicated him of something dreadful coming but sidelining it, he, the king with a shivering hand but calm face took that piece of paper.

He looked all around to get a glimpse of his wife and that's when he panickly realised that she is no where to be seen from the moment she had run after forcefully detaching her hands from his hold. 

He had thought it to be her anger on him which he had planned to eradicate completely today but now her absence is giving a warning single.

A warning single which made his mind replay her threatening from the recent past.

I will be gone before you would know. She challenged with a different depth of determination this time.

Stepping down from the stairs, he marched towards his room. There was no meaning of making any announcement as per now. The familiar scent lingered on that paper indicated that indeed its something devastating for his already fragile relation with his wife.

I will run, no matter what. She informed confidently though this time she too was half-terrified and half-pretending.

Her words echoed in his ears making him stagger.

What if she actually did what she had threaten of?

Did she leave him already?

People got engaged in their usual stuffs considering the King's speech and announcement over.

Arnav, on the other hand, stumbled to Aman who got shocked seeing Arnav in a vulnerable state. The shivering form of him even before opening the letter and read it said that indeed that always run-away wife of his holds the capability of squeezing every colour of his face, every drop of blood out from his body.

Holding his always mighty friend tightly, Aman took him to his room followed by every Raizada and Gupta members including the newly-engaged couple who saw the restlessness and distraught engulfing the surrounding.

The attendant were left to attend the guests and look after their every need. No, in any way they should figure out the high tension.

Arnav was numb, he did not need to read the letter, her absence on this important day was enough proof to show that she had left him, once again. This time, though he was not at fault directly but his silence on acceptance of marriage indeed was.

A high self-esteem girl would never surrender even at the cost of her happiness if her respect is at stake and this is what exactly Khushi had done.

Arnav looked at the paper once again, the family had their breath held. Khushi's sudden disappearance had already said the unsaid but they need to know the reason of her hasty decision, now when everything had almost fallen on its place.

They were really looking forward Arnav and Khushi's reunion. They were immensely delighted because Arnav's body language, his eyes had silently conveyed that the time had eventually arrived when he would let the world know about his unfolded love. The world would come to know about that one of a kind, once upon of a time kind of love story which would be recited for ages.

But, the condition Arnav displayed had a different story to tell. It recited the story of guilt, pain, agony, angst and heartbreak.

Tears flooded in everyone's eyes before the letter could be read not foreseeing the upcoming but the lifeless yet breathing form of Arnav.

WHEN THE ROYAL BOWED DOWN TO LOVE(COMPLETED) #ICAKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat