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Hello.. My beautiful readers.. Well most of you wanted this story.. So here it is..

And well.. TMGHG readers.. The next update will be for you only that too pretty soon like at evening

And Meant To Be Yours readers.. I promise after TMGHG.. I will update this only which will be on 18th or 19th..

So happy reading sweethearts.. And well.. WTRBDL is getting good response as well.. The current rank is #696 in Fan Fiction..

Well.. I guess that its my longest update by far with 1737 words
Back to the story.......................

Khushi came running behind Aman though she was worried about Arnav too but she knew that she has no right to look after him.. Or atleast this was what she thought

She saw Aman leaning against the wall at the corridor and instantly ran towards him

Aman- Khushi what are you doing here?

Khushi-Shit.. Your lips has cuts.. Its bleeding

Aman-No.. That's nothing.. M fine

Khushi-You know Aman you can't lie to me..

Aman hissed and said making a baby face-Shit Khush.. It's paining like hell

Khushi-Come with me

Khushi started dressing his wounds..

Aman-Ouch.. Easy Khushi.. It's already paining

And Stop staring me.. Will  you?

Khushi(eyeing him) -Why did you fight with him when you know he is stronger than you?
You both are hurt by doing so.. Physically as well as emotionally

Aman(teasingly)-So.. You are worried about him and I thought you care for me

Khushi(angrily)-Dare you change the topic Aman and your nose will bleed too by my punch and now spill what got in both of you dumbheads that you fought?

Aman(turning serious) -You can't Khushi

Khushi(confused)-What I can't?

Aman(yet back to his teasing session)-You can't abuse your husband

Khushi shouted-Are you crazy?

He isn't my husband (she said trying her best not to stammer)

Aman(raising his eyebrows)-Well.. Then why you have vermillion in your partition..though hidden from everyone's eye till now if you don't consider him as your husband?

Khushi stood abruptly being shocked with hysterical expressions which Aman was definitely enjoying..

Aman-Your eyes will bulge out now and tomatoes will commit suicide


Aman-Yes.. So stop staring me and definitely stop your blush.. You look scarlet now


In a way you say..you dont consider him your husband and then being almost ultramodern for us who could ran away and stuff is so homely inside that she is having vermillion in her hair partition like those regular married women even though her relationship isn't accepted by either her or her husband.. Or this is what at least you both say
Why Khushi?
Why you both are making it difficult for yourself?
Just listen to your heart once
If you once decide then he will have to bow down to love and accept this marriage but only if you are sure and optimist about it