I was going to miss her. I was going to miss her smile, her voice, her body, and most of all, her eyes. I could stare in to them forever. I knew I'd never see her again after this. I had ended it like the stupid dumb ass I was. I just couldn't stand being hated so much by everyone she was around. She was honestly worth everything they could do to me, but she shouldn't have to hide me from her friends or her family. I didn't want that. I wanted her to be happy and content, even if it wasn't with me. There's just one question that will never leave my mind. Why did I have to ever screw everything up in the first place? I would do anything just to go back and take it al back.

I sat watching her for a couple more minutes but I couldn't handle it. She was just so perfect. It was like torture watching her up there, knowing I was so close to having her again. I got up and walked to the back of Detrix.

---Stage's P.O.V.---

I was watching the entire crowd, when something caught my eye. I saw Jake get up and leave. Was it the song I was singing? Did I upset him? I felt my voice crack as I was singing and I went silent. Everything was clouding my mind. I felt like I couldn't sing.

"Stage?" Cody asked beside me and I looked at him. "Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah." I lied. I gave him a fake smile. "Just pick up from where I start, okay?"

"Okay." He said looking confused.

I looked at the crowd. "Sorry about that. I'm just getting over a bad cold." I gave them all a fake smile and began to sing again. Cody instantly caught up and I tried so very hard to keep my voice going. I looked over at Dria and Evan who looked worried, Cody looked worried too. They all knew my emotions threw off my voice.


After the show, I walked past a couple fans and took pictures with them, signed their stuff, and just talked with them. I could only go through a couple people till I felt like I was going to pass out. Everything was flooding my mind and I just felt like I couldn't stop it.

I walked to the front  and Jake was sitting there. He looked up at me and he was smiling. I went to smile back but then I saw he had been crying. He saw I noticed and got up and walked away. I wanted to stop him but I couldn't get any words out. I felt like my voice was broken.

"Stage, go before it's too late." I turned around and saw Dria standing there with Evan and Cody.

I cleared my throat. "What?" I asked confused.

"We saw you freeze up on stage when he walked out. He's going to keep walking out so just follow him." Dria said and smiled.

"It's not that easy." I said and looked down.

"Listen." Evan said and I looked up at him. I could tell he was being completely serious. This was rare for Evan. "Don't give me that bull shit. That's what you say when you're trying to get your band noticed or to play Warped Tour, but guess what? We managed to do that, didn't we? If we can do that then you go tell him how you feel and just be with him. Don't mind Dria and I if we act like an ass or your parents telling you that they don't like him, we're suppose to make things hard for you because we love you. It's your life and you need to start running it. Now go the fuck after him before I run after him and have to explain everything to him."

I looked at Evan with the biggest grin. I came over and hugged him. I squeezed tightly. "Thank you."

He hugged me back. "Your welcome."

I hugged everyone else before I ran outside of the building and looked around. I saw Jake sitting at the fountain across from the store. I took a deep breath and walked over to him.

"I need to talk to you." I said and he looked up.

"I think i-" I cut him off.

"I've been sitting here letting people tell me what they think. Just listen to me please." I pleaded.

"Okay." He agreed.

"I can't just leave you and you can't just let me. We can't just act like we're friends or we're going to be okay because it won't.   We love each other and we always have. I know you care if my family or my friends like you but I don't care that they don't like you and you shouldn't either. We like each other and that's all that should matter." I was surprised I got that much out considering my throat felt like it was closed and I couldn't breath. This moment was either going to make me or break me.

"I won't ever deserve you." He said.

"I think I should be the one to decide that." I replied.

"Why can't you just hate me like everyone else?" He asked in a pained voice.

"Cause unlike everyone else" I walked up to him and stopped when we were just a few inches away. "I see the real you. I know you're different and you regret it. I love you." Within seconds, our lips crashed together. I don't know who gave in to kissing who first but I honestly didn't fucking care. I knew everything was going to be okay now.

"You know no one will make it easy on us." Jake said.

I gave a small laugh. "I honestly could care less what everyone else does."

He smiled at me. "The crazy part about all of this is that about a month ago, this would be the only thing I never counted on happening again." He kissed my forehead and looked at me in the eyes. "Now I'm never letting go." He held me tight and we sat there perfectly for awhile. I wasn't going to let him go either.


Note: One more chapter to go guys! I'm not really sure if anyone was reading this, but if you were, thank you!(: I know this story isn't the best but I've loved this story line forever I've been wanting to do this for awhile! It's sad for this to end but I hope you guys enjoyed it! Please vote, comment, and fan! Bye! :D

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