Chapter 18

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I understood why my parents weren't accepting the fact that I was with Jake but I mean, I'm their daughter. They could've seen that I was serious this time and that this would be serious. Basically by telling me they weren't supporting us, they basically said they didn't trust my instincts. I knew Jake had changed and even if they never believed he had, I know he did. Sometimes you just have a strong feeling about something and that's what I have about Jake.

I decided to be a bit mean and take all my stuff over to Jake's house and so did Cody. I mean, Jake offered first and I thought it was a good way to show my parents I was serious about this.

Cody decided to give Jake and I space and let us have the bedroom while he slept on the couch. I felt a bit bad at first because Cody and I usually slept next to each other a lot. It was never weird for us or anybody really, I just had a hard time sleeping on the tour bus and then one night Cody sang me a song and we fell asleep together. It kind of just kept happening after that.

Falling asleep next to Jake felt so different. I can't really explain how it did, it just did.

The next morning, I woke up to a pair of brown eyes staring at me.

"When did you get up?" I said while yawning.

Jake smiled. "About 15 minutes ago. I didn't want to wake you so I just waited. I was just admiring what I finally have." My lips curled into a small smile and I think I was blushing. Why did I always get this way for every little compliment?

Jake went down and kissed me softly and I kissed him back. I was a little hesitant for that fact I probably had really bad morning breath but after a couple seconds, neither of us seemed to care. His hands seem to be finding their way under my shirt when I stopped kissing and looked at him. He stared back and pulled his hands away, sitting up. "I'm sorry." He said.

"No, no. I"m just not ready." I admitted. I felt completely dumb for doing this again. How many times was I going to do this before I was ready? Was I even suppose to feel ready or just let it happen? I could never ask anyone, that'd be too weird.

"I understand." He smiled. "I won't pressure you into anything you don't want to do."

I smiled back. "Thanks." I said. There was an awkward silence as both of us tried to figure out what to say. "Do you know if Cody is up?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"I didn't hear anyone get up or move around out there, why?" Jake asked confused.

"I thought we could maybe go do something all together." I said smiling. I got up from the bed and opened the door quietly. I walked into the living room to find a sleeping boy on the couch. He was slightly snoring which made me laugh. "RISE AND SHINE!" I yelled loudly as I started to skip around the living room.

Cody groaned and put the pillow over his head. "Shut up Stage, I'm super tired." He said with a groan at the end of his words.

"It's time to wake up buddy! You never sleep this late!" I still was yelling which cause Cody to groan even louder.

Cody rolled over facing the ceiling. I came and sat on the edge of the couch. My smile faded. He looked terrible. He had black rims under his eyes which only happened when he didn't get much sleep and he looked like he could barley keep his eyes open.

"Are you okay?" I asked in a worried voice.

"Yeah, I just didn't get much sleep last night." He admitted and then yawned.

I frowned. "Is it sleeping on the couch? We can get you a blow up mattress or something?" I suggested.

"No, I'm fine. I think it's just sleeping in a new place." He said. "Can I just sleep for a bit longer?" Cody asked.

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