Chapter 5

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"Why did you even stop to talk to that idiot?" Dria yelled through the phone. I told her about seeing Jake and asking him if we could talk some time. She thinks I'm insane.

"I'm sorry, I just felt like I should. This town is bringing back so many memories and I guess I wanted to feel them again. The love..." My voice trailed off because I know what I just said was stupid. I wanted to feel love like I did when I use to live here.

"Love? Don't you mean pain caused by a self centered jerk?" Dria seemed a little pissed off by the tone of her voice. "You have love here. Friends, basically family! We have been with you through thick and thin and you want to consider feeling love for him again?" She had it all wrong.

"No Dria. I mean I want the feeling I had when I use to live here. I don't care about him." Which was true now. I was remembering the hell I went through for that kid and he wasn't worth it. "He's not worth the trouble."

"Good because if I need to remind you, you have a boyfriend. A boyfriend who misses you every day here and won't stop talking about you." I smiled at the thought of Tyler talking to my friends about me. Going on about everything and how much he cared. He always made his love for me known.

"He misses me? Maybe I should call him." I felt kind of bad that I called Dria first but how was I suppose to tell Tyler everything that happened. That I saw the boy who broke my heart and I told him we should take sometime? Yeah, I'm sure he would love to hear that one.

"Yeah, I think you should. Well I have to go because Cody, me, and Evan all decided to go have some fun tonight. I will take pictures! Bye." And with that, she hung up. I didn't even get to say bye? Ugh did I miss them. There all probably going to go do some stupid but fun and I will miss out. I'm up in the room, recovering from walking all day from store to store with the family. My feet hurt like hell.

As much as I wanted to call my Tyler, I wanted to sleep more. I don't really care if that sounds mean but if you spent 9 hours shopping with my family, you would understand why I'm so tired.

I laid back on to the bed and shut my eyes. I starting thinking about stupid Jake again. I was going to be here for a whole fricking month and what if I ran in to him again? Ignore him said a voice in my head. The voice was right. Ignoring was all I really could do till Tyler got here. Jake didn't deserve any sympathy anyway.


I woke up and felt a 100 times better. My feet weren't as sore and I wasn't tired.

I looked around the room and it looked a bit different. It took me a couple seconds to realize the clothes on the floor were gone and stuff was put away on to the dressor. My mom must of came in and decided to clean.

I got up and headed to the bathroom. I remembered asking my mom about taking a shower. She said I didn't need to ask and the towels were on the rack and I could go in there any time.


After the shower and getting ready, I headed downstairs to see what was up. It was quiet and no one was around. What is this?

I walked over to the counter and read a note that sat there.

Sorry Stage but we didn't want to wake you up because you have a rough time yesterday with ealking so much. We waited for you to wake up but we had to go eventually. Dad and I are going to his work party and Brenda is at her babysitters house. We won't be back till later tonight but help youself to food or anything you need. Love you. XOXOXO

Well that was a total kill joy. I come here to spend time with my family and they aren't even here the third day? Ugh. I guess there had to be something to do.

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