Chapter 23

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"Oh my gosh Stage, where did you get that dress?" Dria said as she came over to me. She was smiling at me.

"Detrix." I smiled at her. "I went there like the first week I was here. Still has the best stuff I ever saw. Kinda the reason I'm going tonight, I wanna save it. So other kids can have the experience we had and the motivation to play music."

"That's right, Detrix was the reason we all wanted to start a band." She looked down. "I'm sorry we said we wouldn't play with you tonight."

"Yeah." Evan joined in. "We were just so stuck on Jake that we forgot about what really mattered."

"It's okay guys, Cody and I will play an acoustic show." I smiled at them. "Just at least come and sign some autographs or something. We want as many people to come as possible.

"Sure thing." Dria said. I turned back to the bathroom and kept getting ready. I was honestly scared out of my mind to go tonight. Because after tonight, I'd be leaving. No more Jake, no more family, no more peaceful fun. I was actually going to miss this town. I'd spent forever trying to get away from here but now that I've come back, I didn't wanna leave.


We walked into the back of Detrix. We were instantly greeted by the manager.

"Welcome guys!" He said loudly. He seemed overly excited. "I'm so happy you guys can perform tonight. I'm  actually a little bit of a fan myself."

"That's beast." Evan said. He shook the manager's hand. They began talking and I walked over to the front to see how many people had actually showed up. The store was packed to the walls! There were actually people outside, still trying to fit it! It made me smile.

"They love your music." I heard a voice say from behind me. I turned around and I saw Jake standing there. "Everyone here loves your music."

"That's good to know." I said with a smile. The smile was hard to get to form on my lips. I badly wanted to leap into Jake's arms and just kiss him. His eyes looked so soft and full of pain. I wanted to make everything okay.

"Play a good show, okay? Saving this place for the next generation." He said and with that, he walked off. That actually was the sweetest thing he could say. I was so nervous but now that I knew he wasn't totally going to ignore me, I felt better. That was the motivation I needed.


I walked out on to the small platform and sat down next to the microphone. Cody had his acoustic guitar in his hand and sat in the chair next to me. I looked over at him and smiled and he smiled back. I knew he'd been wanting to play an acoustic show for some time now.

"Alright guys, I'm Stage" I said pointing to myself. "and this is Cody." I said pointing to Cody. He smiled and waved to the crowd. He wasn't much of a talker on stage. "We're from Run Away Circus and we're going to perform for you guys." There was a bunch of cheering and then it went silent. I began singing and along came Cody's beautiful guitar playing.

--- Jake's P.O.V.---

She walked up on stage in little heels. I felt a smile play on my lips, I couldn't get it to come off. She was wearing a really nice dress that fit her curves perfectly. I think I felt my heart Melt.

"Alright guys, I'm Stage" She said and pointing to herself. "and this is Cody." She said and pointed to Cody." Cody smiled at the crowd and waved. "We're from Run Away Circus and we're going to perform for you guys." She said and then there was a bunch of cheering. When silence filled the air, her beautiful voice rang through. It pierced my heart like it always did. It had this strange effect on me that never went away.

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