Chapter 10

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"What are you making?" Cody asked as he rubbed his eyes from just waking up.

"Food." I replied in a moody tone. I was still mad a bit because I knew he was hiding something from me and until he had to guts to tell me, the moody Stage was all he was going to be seeing.

"Oh cranky much?" He asked and chuckled a bit.

I rolled my eyes and continued to murder the eggs.

 "Did I do anything?" Cody asked me. His voice sounded worried and just as I was about to open my mouth, I didn't. I have to stop giving in to people.

"Stage what did I do?" He sounded even more worried but I kept my mouth shut. Was ignoring him the best way to do this?

He pulled me around the face and held his hands on my shoulder. "What did I do?" He looked me in the eyes with a serious stare.

"You lied to me." I finally said. I could feel tears almost in my eyes but I fought them back. My best friend lied to me for the first time. This really was the first time.

"No I did-" He stopped himself and let go of my shoulders. "About what?" I knew he was lying. It hurt me.

"I don't even know the whole story but about Tyler." I said and fought back the urge of crying. I was going to cry but not now. Not in front of him because then i would be vulnerable. I would let him take me into his arms and I wouldn't care if he let go.

He just looked down and I decided to speak. "What did Tyler do that was to do with you being sorry and a party?" I questioned.

"Stage before I tell you, you have to promise that you won't be mad at me because I didn't tell you for your own good. I wanted to you to be happy." He stood there and waited for my reply but truth is, I didn't know if I would be mad.

"I can't promise I won't be." I replied and his face just filled with pain. "Tell me."

"I don't want you to be mad at me." He said and just continued to look at the floor.

"God damn Cody! Tell me! If it has something to do with my boyfriend, I want to know!" I shouted but he didn't move. I bet my parents were going to wake up any second now and see this. Probably wondering why I was yelling at him.

"Tell me." I said again.

"There was a party that me, Dria, Evan, and Tyler went to." He began. "We all had a lot to drink and eventually all wanted to head home. I had to go find Tyler so he could call his brother to pick us up. I went upstairs an-" He stopped.

"What happened." I urged him to continue but I felt like I knew the rest of the story. My eyes were rimming with tears but they didn't quit fall yet.

"Tyler was with another girl. They were having sex." Cody finally said it and tears began to fall now. He wouldn't cheat on me, would he? Cody wouldn't lie but he did before. So many questions.

"He loves me. He wouldn't cheat one me. " I said in an angry voice but not knowing who I was really mad at.

"I saw him Stage." He said and came over to give me a hug but I stepped back and wouldn't let him. "Your mad at me." He sounded upset but who cared. He kept this from me.

"When did this happen?" I questioned and looked up at him finally and he looked almost ready to cry.

"If I tell you, your just going to get mor-" I interrupted him.

"Tell me!" I yelled and he flinched a bit in fear. I had never yelled at him like that. I never thought I would ever yell at him like that.

"1 week ago..." his voice trailed off into a silence and I just began to cry more.

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