Chapter 6

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"Stop doing that!" I shouted at Brenda who was tickling me with her little fingers. She giggles uncontrollably at my attempt at making her stop, which was me shouting at her while laughing so hard I almost couldn't breath.

I finally pulled my body forward and grabbed her by her waist and lifted her little body in to the air. I swung her around in a circle and she laughed and giggled as I did this. I eventually fell back on the grass with her and we both just laughed.

"Again!" She shouted and smiled at me.

"I'm tired Brenda. Maybe later." I pulled her in to a hug and she ran back in to the house as I just smiled at her from behind. I loved that little girl.

"Hey." I heard a familiar voice from behind me. I turned to see Jake standing there. He had the most awkward expression on his face along with a smile. I could tell he felt weird about coming here and seeing me. I kind of felt weird to.

"Oh hi. What's up?" I asked as I walked up to him. I had my hands in my back pockets so I wouldn't be tempted to play with my hair like I did when ever I was nervous.

"Well today is my day off of work and I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out or something?" He's eyes were staring at the ground and he was swaying his body back and fourth. It was too funny. He was nervous!

"Sure. I just have to go tell my parents. Be right back." I ran to the house and saw my parents were sitting on the couch doing nothing. I went to open my mouth but realized what I would be saying. They can't know about Jake and me trying to become friends again. I spent months of depression over him and my parents had to suffer all the late nights of my drama. They wouldn't be okay with this even if Jake had thrown a parade in honor of him being sorry.

"Ummmm I was going to go in to town and check up on so old friends, is that okay?" I had just lied to my parents. I felt like shit but what could I do?

"Sure honey. You don't have to ask us if you can go do things. You don't live here anymore technically. Plus we made you wait around all day yesterday and it's only fair we are okay with you going out." She smiled at me which made my heart brake even more. I had to lied to her and she was being nice as possible to me. Ugh. Sometimes people are just to dang nice.

I walked out of the house and smiled at the face who was still swaying his nervous body back and fourth. It was truly funny.


"No, you can't just hate them!" I shouted at Jake, the guy who just denied that my favorite band, Black Veil Brides, was good.

"Why can't I?" He was smirking at my anger towards his horrible and cruel response.

"Cause there amazing!?" I was still shouting at him but in more of a playful tone now.

"I don't really care for the whole dress up in black and make up shit." He sat back on to the park bench acting like what he said did not offend me. By the look on my face, I was offended.

"You're a horrible person." I sat back just as he did and acted like that didn't offend him.

"You can't just hate someone because they don't like your favorite band!" He was shouting back now. I had finally got this game going.

"Yes I can and I just did." I laughed in his face and got up. "We should do something beside sit here and be mean to each other."

"I would agree but there isn't much to do around here if you haven't noticed." He laughed and got up with me.

"Well what if we find something new to do?" I questioned in a curious tone. I had spent pretty much all day with Jake and we had mostly talked. Time to see if hes still the same about taking fun risks.

Mrs. RockstarOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora