Chapter 9

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It was you that told me I could do this

You put the music in my heart

And how you sang with the band in Memphis

It's hard just to be strong not knowing if I've done you proud

I like to imagine you smile when you hear my songs

I could hear the enchanting tone of Someone, Somewhere by Asking Alexandria being played. It woke me up and I looked around for my phone. Too lazy to open my eyes, I felt around under my pillow for where I set it.

Cody turned over and groaned. "Stop playing music. I'm trying to sleep." He said and pulled the covers over his head.

"I'm not trying to. I lost my phone and it's going off!" I replied.

I found my phone and flipped it open in relief.

"Hello?" I spoke and all I heard was laughter.

"Hey, it's Tyler." He laughed along with the people in the back round. What was so damn funny?

"Oh what's up?" I asked in a irritated tone. He calls me, wakes me up, and all I can hear is laughing, music, and whispers.

"I needed to tell you something." He got serious now.

"What is it?" I questioned him. I was in no mood to talk, just insanely tired.

"I'm with my family and I'm going to spend more time down here. I'm going to have to meet your folks another time, sorry." He didn't sound very sorry. He was actually talking to people in the back round. His fail attempt to be serious.

"Oh, it's fine." I assured him. To be truthful, I didn't care. I was having a good time with Cody and I think everything would just be completely lost if Jake knew I brought my boyfriend home.

"Okay well I will call you later." He said.

"Okay. I lov-" Before I could get my final words out, he hung up. How rude.

I put my phone down on the side table and pulled myself back under the covers with Cody. What it mean that I didn't care he wasn't coming? He was my boyfriend. Should I care if he comes to meet my parents? It's not like were getting married I guess. He can allows meet them some day in the future.

"Who was that?" Cody's words snapped me back in to attention. He laughed as I snapped my head towards him. "Did I scare you?" He chuckled.

"No, well yes but I was thinking. I tend to loose focus." I let out a small laugh.

"I knew that." He let out a small laugh again. " So who was it?" He asked again.

"Oh! It was Tyler." I replied.

"What does he want?" Cody said obviously annoyed. He was just all happy, what happened?

"He can't come and meet my family." I sighed but I didn't know why. I didn't really care too much.

"Of course he can't." He rolled his eyes and I just looked at him confused. What the fuck happened?

"Why are you acting like that?" I asked him.

"Acting like what?" He replied as if he didn't know what I was talking about.

"Acting all mad when I started talking about Tyler?" I questioned him. He better not deny the fact of his attitude.

"It's nothing. Just tired I guess." He said and then he changed the subject. "Let's go do something around town today? I haven't been here in forever!" He smiled and I propped a fake smile on my face. I knew there was something wrong here.  

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