Chapter 14

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Okay so sure I felt a little bad for going behind Dria's and Evan's backs and doing this concert but what was I supposed to do? They didn't want to do it and I cared about Detrix a lot! I couldn't help but be a little mad as well. Their holding a grudge that should have been broken a while back ago. Sure Jake hurt us but life was about moving on from the past. The past wasn't suppose to defeat us and make us scared.

"You okay?" A voice asked and I turned around to see Jake. I had come to the park to think things out and read a bit. The park also had a really nice couch that I loved to lay on in the summer time.

"I'm fine." I said with a obviously fake smile but I think it fooled him. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

He shrugged and took a seat next to me. "We use to come here, remember? I guess the habit just never died."

"I see." I said and the hot breeze hit my face and pushed me hair back. Felt really good to tell the truth.

"I feel bad." Jake said and leaned forward.

"Why?" I asked.

"Evan and Dria... they hate me." He said and looked down. He looked hurt.

"They don't hate you... okay maybe they sort of hate you but it's their thing. They can keep a grudge. Their still mad at our band manager for not booking us for Warped Tour in time. That was a year ago." I said with a laugh.

Jake chuckled and then went back to being serious. "It's been three years though." He sighed. "I just wish there was a way to fix everything. I want to so bad."

"I wish there was a way too but talking to them doesn't help. I guess when there ready, they'll see it was so long ago and to just move on." I said and it was silent for a minute.

"I have a serious question." Jake said which broke the silence.

"Shoot." I put my feet up against my body and hugged them. I did this when ever I was just listening.

"Is there any part fo you that is still mad at me? I mean I know you said you weren't but sometimes people just say things and be honest." He was never going to get over that I wasn't mad. I don't think he wanted me to be mad but he probably was just surprised I wasn't.

"Umm... we're all good at this moment but I guess..." My voice trailed off because I was basically about to tell him the truth. I haven't even told Cody about this yet and that's unusual for me. "I guess I just wished things could of gone differently. I sometimes would wish on the road that we were still together..." My voice trailed off again and I buried my face in my knees. I was scared for his reaction.

Jake gave me a crooked smile that I could see through my hair. "There isn't a moment that goes by that I don't think the same thing."

I blushed sort of and I wanted to continue this conversation. I felt like it was going somewhere.

"What do you think we would be doing if we were still together?" I asked curiously. I was still hiding in my knees. I felt nervous.

"Well, I think you guys would still be famous because you guys are talented. I think life would have been happier. It's hard to explain because I haven't really thought too much about it." He admitted.

I finally lifted my head a bit. "Life would have been happier. I wouldn't have gotten hurt by Tyler." Why did I feel so free? It felt like I could tell him everything and he wouldn't judge me. I felt safe and like old times when we were dating.

"If I had you, I wouldn't have hurt you. I wouldn't ever wanted to loose you or screw anything up." I said and looked at him. His face showed he cared. I just could tell.

"I believe you." I said and sighed. "Why does it feel like nothing bad ever happened between us?" I asked.

"Maybe you got over it." Jake said and smiled.

"..but we can't pretend like nothing happened." I said and buried my face again.

"Why not?" He asked.

"Because.. I don't know." I admitted and felt like such a dumb ass for having no reason.

"That's not really an answer." He laughed but I didn't.

"I don't have an answer I guess but Jake, it's not right for everything to go back to the way it was. Things happened in the years we we're apart and I'm different and have a new life, so do you." I hugged my legs tighter and I bet he could tell I was nervous. Anyone with eyes could see it.

"Well I think you are the only one who is enjoying your new life." He said quietly and seemed angry. This couldn't turn in to a fight. I was sick of the fights.

I finally let go of my legs and did the only thing I knew would stop this from becoming a fight. I placed my hand over his and our fingers laced together. "Jake, your a great person and you've grown up. I see that but I'm just not ready. Isn't it enough that I'm here and I forgive you?" I squeezed his hand and he smiled.

"It's perfect." He said and I finally felt like things were going the right way for once.


"Mom?" My voice echoed through an empty house and I stepped in.

"Not mom." Cody said as he came down the stairs.

I smiled and gave him a hug. "I was checking if she was here because I didn't want her to see Jake." I said and went back to the door. I opened it up. "You can come in." I sang and Jake walked in.

"Hey man." Cody greeted Jake.

"Hey Cody." Jake replied.

"I brought him here because I'm going to go quickly get ready and then we can go out to bar and have some fun!" I cheered and they both just grinned at my idea. 

I ran up stairs and let them talk as I quickly got ready.

I scanned my closet for clothes and picked out a nice black dress with purple heels. I slipped them on and then went to apply makeup. I put some purple eye eye shadow on my eyelids and then drew a thin line of black eye liner under both my eyes. I drew a thicker line of black eye liner on my eyelids. I pat concealer on my cheeks and under my eyes and I was ready.

I walked down the stairs and I noticed Jake couldn't take his eyes off of me. I felt myself blushing and Cody must of noticed because he smirked.

"Where are we going?" Jake said finally taking his eyes off me and breaking the silence.

"Well..." I paused for a moment and thought and then I had an idea. "I know just the place!"


Note: Woo! Finally uploaded! xD I want to thank everyone who is reading! Comment and let me know what you think? Okay so the next chapter is going to be a big part in the story so make sure you keep reading :D Vote, fan, and comment! :)

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