Chapter 7

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I was amazed I made it to the house last night. It took me forever since it was dark. I still couldn't believe last night. I had basically called Jake stupid! What was wrong with me!

I flicked open my phone and I had five missed calls from Dria, one missed call from Cody, and a text from Evan. No Tyler? Surprising.

I closed my phone and got out of my bed. I hadn't really even slept. I just kept thinking and thinking about everything and I just couldn't let it go. I wanted everything to be okay when I left here, not like last time.


After I finished getting ready, I headed downstairs to see what was going on and my family was pretty much lounging on the couch. My little sister was laying on the floor with a pillow and my parents were holding each other. I would of usually found that weird but it was actually really cute!

"Oh Stage! You're up! I didn't hear you come in last night." My mother broke away from my dad and was now facing me.

"I came back late." I said as I walked over to the fridge and grabbed out a water bottle.

"Oh well what did you do?" She got up and walked over the kitchen counter and looked at me.

"Umm well I caught up with some old friends." I was trying to avoid using as much detail as possible so she couldn't conclude I was out with Jake. She would kill me if she knew I was out with him last night and especially since I spent pretty much the whole day with him.

"Who?" She questioned. Dammit! Why does she ask so many questions!

"Just old friends." I avoided as much as I could but the look on her face was telling me she was annoyed.

"Don't lie to me Stage." She was now full on staring at me. Her eyes were like daggers.

"I'm not lying." I said. I technically wasn't lying.

"We took the car out so we could get Brenda some ice cream last night. We say you with Jake." She narrowed her eyes at me and the jig was up. I couldn't deny it. She caught me.

"Yeah... Jake." I confessed and took a drink of my water.

"Why him? Of all people." She sounded disappointed in me. That's the last thing I wanted.

"Mom. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I just wanted to see how everything was and it's all better now." I was totally lying again. When would it stop! "In fact, we aren't going to be talking anytime soon." That part wasn't a lie. It was best to leave him alone. Mess would just keep starting up as long as I was around him, I just knew it.

"Are you sure?" She asked me.

"Yes, I am sure." I answered and put my water down so I could take my mom in to a big hug.


"You can go through this box." My mom handed me a big box of pictures. The box was covered in dust.

"How long has all this stuff been up here?" I asked. All the stuff that I had left behind, we were going through it. I had so much stuff I never took with me when I left.

I opened the box and grabbed a hand full of pictures out. I smiled as I saw familiar faces. Dria, Cody, and Evan. These must of been the pictures we took when I had just started high school because I looked so young. As I got farther, I wanted to cry but not because I was sad but because of the happy memories that played through out my head.

Then I saw a face that ruined my entire mood, it was Jakes. He looked so young. This is when he just started attending our school. We weren't even dating yet, just friends. His hair was really long and he must have been like 14 or 15. I wanted to cry but I didn't because it was a dumb reason to cry and my mom didn't need to see me crying over some stupid memories, especially over Jake.

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