"Yes..." she smiles at me.

"Are you kidding?" I stomp my feet like a little kid. She giggles, "Not funny, I try my best to come here so I can be here before him and...And" I am lost for words.

"Really, you will have to sleep here if you want to be here before him." she pats my shoulder and heads out after the Bing from the elevator alerts our arrival. "And I forgot to thank you for the other night," she says. She is grabbing me in a warm embrace.

"Ohh, it was you," I ask her. I was hugging her back. "Then how come you're at the front desk? Aren't you his secretary?" I confusedly asked to prolong with our walk.

"Ohh no, I'm not. He fired his tenth one, so I filled the spot before he found the eleventh one." she pats my shoulder again. I become anxious. Did she say Tenth PA.?

Before entering his office after he permits me, I see Abbie mouths me something. She asks if we can get together for lunch.

His shadow is only enough to certify that he is a powerful man. He poises in such an elegant way that it makes my knees weaken. Will I be able to work with such a powerful man?

He positions his hand in his pocket, admiring the view from his office. I don't say anything because I know he knows I'm here. He skims his hand over his hair and messes them more than it already was. To my surprise, these simple things make his face appear more alluring. He turns to face me. He skims my body from head to toe. He arches his brows when he's done. I smile.

"Ms. Laurent, you're late." My eyes pop out. Is he kidding? I open my mouth to say something. Nothing comes out. "So, you're not going to say something to defend yourself, Ms. Laurent," he asks, marching over his big chair.

"I...I...I" What the hell, Viviana?

"Well...cat, take your tongue," he smirks.

"No, well yeah...I mean, no." He inclines his body black, looking at me. "I'm ...I'm not late." The words finally decide to save me from my foolishness.

"Then why does my meeting start at..." he glimpses at his expensive yet simple watch, "9:15 then because I think I'm here since, well... let's say six." he drifts over his big chair, placing his hand behind his head and fixing me.

"I don't know because you decided to start it at 9:15. I was here before nine," I tell him with my eyes glued in my hand. He intimidates me, and I do not even mention that he frightens me.

"Point well-made, Ms. Laurent." is a compliment even though I collect some mockery in his voice.

He circles me, walking to a closet. My frightened body pressure me not to look at what he is doing.

"Here," he deposed a gigantic box in front of me filled with paper. I look at him, confused, before his cold stare makes me regret doing so. "You'll find what you must do as my PA, and now let's show you your office." He powers off his vibrating phone.

Thank God I have an office. I hope it's not next to his.

"Here," he pushes the door open. Patting my curly eyelashes in surprise, I turn to watch what can be the distance between my office and his. My noddle legs threaten to cuddle. I rapidly grab the head of the chair neat to me.

His Vengeful Game(Wattys2018)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon