Chapter Thirty-one

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Michael POV......

"Ohhhhh" she gasps, walking toward me.

My face suddenly obligates my eyebrow in a frown forms. She stumbles over her own feet. But, I rapidly grab her in my arms. Which makes Everyone gasp in surprise.

"That's one fine meat right here. You're so beautiful." she giggles.

With her fingers, she traces a line starting at my cheeks. Then she concludes it at my lips. Something inside me wokes up. I don't know what is it. But I know for sure I want more of her touching. Get a grip, Michael. Did she just called me a fine meat?

I grip her arms invisibly until I hear the hurt of my grip the moment she whispers the "Ow" sounds in my ears.

"You need to stop making a scene." I whisper to her.

Once again a giggle escapes her mouth. She rapidly covers her mouth with her hand. She sticks her tongue out, grimacing at me. In my surprise, I have to fight the urge to laugh at her grimace face.

I don't understand how she is this drunk this early in the morning. She should doze out by now. Unless she get drunk again this morning.

Once she gets to my office, she tosses her purse on the couch. It fells off the floor. I'm trying really hard not to do something that'll send me to jail. So, I stand inches away from her.

Like she didn't get the hint, she walks over to me holding my arms to take her shoes off her feet. She's pissing me off. She just doesn't take me seriously at a point she comes to work drunk. This realization makes my blood boil. I attempt to walk out of the office for some air. But, she grabs my arms.

"No, please don't leave me by myself." She folds her arm around my neck.

"Don't yell at me for no reason and my head is hurting and... and I don't know what's happening to me." A sad tear flows through her eyes moment before she tosses her body into mine.

I really like the way her petite body is squeezing over mines. I snap of it.

"Can I sleep in your room?" That's not my room. But I'll prefer that than to let her walk in my company making a scene and embarrass me.

"Yeah, but I have a better room for you." These words manage to flow from my mouth angrily yet so clam. She squeaks clapping her hands happily. I once again find myself help her out to walk to her office.

"Can you carry my shoes?" What? I've never held someone shoes before. Not even my mom's and now... But Michael you don't want a scene, remember. I sure don't. I bend on the floor. I pick up her shoes. I hold them while she tips toeing at every step to her office.

Once I get to her office, the making out scenes flashes before my eyes, my hand grips the shoes. It's that silence I heard? I turn to see her lie down on the couch. I mean who will let their girlfriend this drunk. And don't even stop them from coming to work. Alex. What a prick.

I glimpse at my watch that tells me its 3:30. My sight jump at the salad I asked Abbie to bring for her. Shall I wake her up, well certainly not? I'm not in the mood for her drunken ass right now. I had withdrawn the most important meeting because of her. I've become a babysitter to a fucking grown ass woman. Now can you see why I don't want to wake her up? Because God knows I'll throw her ass down the 30th floor without thinking about it.

I did make my mind to wake her up, so she could eat something though. But I changed my mind as quick as it came.

I don't care if she starves herself to death. Until the yawn coming from my door takes my attention away from my computer. There she is, a messy hair Laurent learn at my door barefoot.

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