Chapter Fifty-Three

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Viviana Pov...

I slide my pink flat shoe on my feet, heading to Andrea's bedroom. I'm praying that she talks to me. I miss her so much. Her laying body flashes before my eyes. She wouldn't. Yes, she did. But, she won't try again. She promised me. And all of a sudden my heart begins to race.

I should have known. She stops taking her medication. She wouldn't just snap at me like that. And instead of being here for her, I ignore her for two days. What kind of friend am I?

"Andrea opens the door? Drea...Drea please opens the door. Look, I'm sorry for everything, okay. So, opens the door so we can talk, please." I pound on the door. If she doesn't open the door. I swear, I'll break the door.

"Drea, are you okay? Drea... Drea, I'm getting worried. Open the freaking door." My voice cracks. My chest clenches. I put my hand over my heart trying to push down the pain. I won't be able to deal if I lose someone else.

"Don't worry, I'm not killing myself. Though, I thought about it. But, hey. You already know I'm a coward. So don't worry." The door flies open. I take a deep breath before I walk inside.

I close my eyes for a second to calm myself down. Andrea attempted to commit suicide years ago. It was months before I lost my mother. And after I lose my mother she promised she will never leave me. And I can even think about the pain I'll feel if she leaves me.

"Hey...hey, I'm sorry, I scared you. Just, please stop crying." I hug her with my every strength. I love her like a sister.

"I...I...I just don't understand what going on with us. Did I do something or said something to make you upset at me like that?" I pull away from the hug.

"No. You didn't do anything. I mean you did, but it's not like it was your fault. How can being perfect be your fault? I mean, everyone wants to have a friend, a sister or a daughter like you. So, you didn't do anything." She walks into her bathroom to hide the tears.

"What? What are you talking about? I'm not perfect." I respond embarrass. I don't know what else to say. How can she think imperfect?

"Oh really? Why don't you tell April that?" She comes out of the bathroom holding her panties and her toiletry stuff. She is packing.

"You know your mother, doesn't mean that?"

"Mean what? That she wishes you were her daughter instead of me. Or talk like you, or just, literally be you." She shouts at me.

"Why are you getting mad at me. You just said it want my fault. And I don't even do anything apart from going to school and work. I don't even have a life. The only reason people find me perfect, its because I've never tried anything to make mistakes. But, you?" She rolls her eyes. Before she begins to toss her stuff in her suitcase.

"Sorry to ask, but, did you stop taking your medications?" A scoff escapes her mouth while she stares at me.

"Oh, because if I got mad I should be off my medications, right? Why couldn't I just be a normal person? I just want to be a normal person who doesn't need any fucking pills to help control my emotions." She yells.

"You do know there's nothing wrong on finding something to help you, right?"

"Really? Is that why you pretend to go to your therapist and lied about it to your father?" She says and shut me off.

His Vengeful Game(Wattys2018)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu