Chapter Fifty- One

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Michael Pov...

Last night was a disaster, I revealed more to her than I should. Yet, I don't feel weird about it. I'm in the bathroom, ready to get a shower. She's sitting in my hotel room talking to me like regular people. And to be honest, I'm fucking love it. Though, I know I shouldn't get too comfortable with her. But, I can't help it. I like spending time with her. Though, I'll like it better if I could just screw her brains out and see how long it'll be before I forgot about her. But, talking to her is kind of worth it for now.

I can't be a jackass now. With my proposition, I have to act nice and hopefully, she'll say yes. Which I'm really hopeful for.

Last night, I spent most of the times watching her sleep. She was snoring like a cute puppy. She balls her body in the middle of the bed, her mouth slightly opens. It was the most peaceful thing I ever see in my life.

I was supposed to finish some papers for a meeting this morning. But, I couldn't. And when I woke this morning, every bone in my body hurts. I fucking sleep on the couch in my room. I never sleep on a couch before. And believe me, I'm not planning on doing it again. For her or not.

The silence in the room sprawls my curiosity. With one tower cover my lower naked body and another drying my hair. I walk into the bedroom. Just to find no one there. She isn't here. How can she's not here? She didn't tell me anything. Or maybe, she did. But I couldn't hear it over the running water. But, still. That's rude.

I grab my key from the nightstand and make my way out of my bedroom. I don't even know why James wants me to go with him to this meeting. I already told him, I don't think expanding the club right now is a good idea. But, as usual, he finishes by convincing me how great his idea is.

According to James. The owner of the club is drowning in debts and now will be the best time to strike. Though, he's right. You have to always find your opponent weakness in order to continue with any business plan. I'm worried. I hate losing money. So, I always try to make smart decisions. And right now I don't think having a club in a foreign country is a good idea. But, again. I'm just the investor. And James is my best friend. So, I'll try to trust him with this one.

My eyes stumble to Viviana for a quick second before she pays her focus to what she's doing. She seems a little unfriendly. Which got me confused. So, I walk towards her. I'm getting this "stay the fuck away from me" vibe coming from her. To be completely honest, it worries me. Did I do something? Damn. I'll have to apologize for something that I don't know anything about. Okay.

"Hey, this coffee any good?" I take a cup from the cabinet to get some coffee. I don really need any. I simply want talk to her.

"I don't know." That's it? That's all she's going to say. But, it's cool.

"How are you feeling this morning?" She shrugs her shoulder. Like she doesn't want to talk to me. How can she not want to talk to me? We were talking like we were best friends not long ago.

"Good. You?" Oh, come on. Give me more. I'm getting piss. But, I can control it for now.

"Good. You talk to Andrea?" I ask her. One minute pass by before she takes a deep breath and responds.

"No." She took a whole minute to say just that. I don't understand what's going on.

"Heyy are you okay? Why are you being a bi... Why are you being so mean?" I didn't say the word. I want to but I didn't even though she's acting like one.

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