Chapter Three

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Viviana Pov

      The minute I step outside his office, I speed like someone is trying to catch me—my heart pulses so much that I will pass out. I jump inside the women's restroom and almost collide with someone. My breathing was shallow until I remembered holding my breath for as long as I could remember. I spout some water in my face to reduce the heat of my body.

       I called my best friend to come pick me up. Scared of going outside not accidentally to bump over him, I stay inside the restroom reading one of my favorite books. It's consuming to know how much gossip one can overhear in a toilet. None of them are surprising. All of them are about the arrogant owner of this company.

     My vibrating phone makes me jump on the toilet, and thank God that is Andreas calling.

    "Hey, where are you? I'm outside." She hangs up on me.

     Once I got inside the car, I remember how tormenting my nerve was. The minute I arrived at this tremendous and well-architected building. The sun gleamed on all of this glass, which made it hard for me to look at the top, yet to my surprise, I could note M.J. WRIGHT RESIDENCE written delicately in gold over the glass front doors. I quivered my moist hand before I allowed my only presentable skirt to absorb the water in my palm.

      OMG, that was breathtaking. I walked into the enormous__ and frankly terrorized__ glass, steel, and blue marble flooring with a black accent wall and a white table crystal chandelier. Behind the big solid steel glass desk sat the girl who ushered me to the thirty floor where Mister's Office was.

      The moment the person's voice permitted us to enter his office, The beautiful male figure stood in his well-cut suit, facing the wall with his phone over his ears. I couldn't catch anything he was saying because I was frozen. Well, my eyes weren't. My sight jumped to every object in the room, no, in the PALACE.

      Every object in the office has some gold in it. There was a blue marble table in the corner of the room with four chairs circling it, matching it. There was an oversized black couch that matched the coffee table. Everything was dark except the white sandstone wall, but the rest of the wall was steel glass that gave the possibility to watch the beautiful view. The minute I realized it was him. The Man I slapped. I attempted to run, but he gestured for me to sit without looking at me. When he did, well, let's say all demons broke free in hell.

I groan at the sun peeking in my bedroom window, lighting my hair like a fiery halo. I plant my head on my yellow pillow, welcoming another distressed day. Until I remember that today is the day of my dad's surgery. I jump on the bed, run to my dad's bedroom, and wake him up.

     "Hey, crazy girl, why are you so happy?" He shouts, smiling at me, peeking under his duvet to look at me.

"At least put something on," he arches his perfect eyebrow and glimpses at my pink underwear before covering his eyes with his fingers.

    I smile, racing to my bedroom, "Today is the day you will have your surgery, Dad." I shout from my room, struggling to entrap my feet in my pants.

      In the last three weeks, today is the only day I feel like kissing the sun for waking me up this morning. Since my boss fired me, everything I touched was upset with me for something I did, yet I could not find it.

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