Chapter Fifteen

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Michael's POV...

I don't think Miss Laurent returning to work this morning is a good idea. I don't know if her coworkers know about the incident. But I can see she's wondering if they heard about it as well as I am.

The investigation is going slower than I want. I don't know what to do. I want these jackasses buried in a hole full of ants. I want them to suffer a slow death. I want to rip their heads off.

But I must respect and trust that the detectives will do their jobs. And I'm not going to tell them how to do it.

Since Miss Laurent told me it was my fault that she got assaulted. I realize that all kinds of questions keep popping in front of my mind.

If it was my fault, I didn't mean to. I have a mother and a little sister. I will never wish that on anybody, even if I hate them with all my being.

That's why I want to rip their heads off. These cowards shouldn't be in the society. They're dangerous to women, like they don't even have a female figure in their life.

It's almost three. I've never seen her since she came to work this morning. I didn't want to give her a lot of things to do. At least not for now. I put a pause on my revenge plan for now.

During the day, I made Abby get me food and check on Miss Laurent several times.

I tried to make her takes more day off work. She didn't want to. She claimed she was okay to come to work. But I know better. I may not ever be insulted. But I know how hard it is to get over something like that.

For the past three months, my energy has focused on getting these three dealers in my favor. I didn't want to settle for two of them. I want all of them. So does Alex? I figured. But after what happened to Miss Laurent, I focused on getting her help. To deal with this.

Every time I go over these papers for the last three months. I can sense something wrong with these documents. But I can't quite put my fingers on it. And believe me, I've tried. I talked to the board about it. They said nothing was wrong with the paper.

The knock on my door takes my attention away from the document.

Worry. My eyes snap to meet Miss Laurent standing at the door.

Her eyes travel to the table, and my sight follows. She swallows hard when her eyes make contact with the leftovers of my lunch on the table.

She slowly walks toward me when she gets close enough to my desk. She stops.

"Do you want me to do anything for you? "She asks.

Why is she asking? If I did, I'd ask her. Worry to sound like a jerk. I take my time and focus all of my attention on answering. To not say anything hush.

"No, I'm good. Is there something you want?" Her eyes stared at me. She's not staring at me, per se. It's like she lost deep in thought.

Like her mind is flowing into the clouds. But her body stays behind.

"Miss Laurent. Miss Laurent. Viviana. Hey, Viviana." What the hell? After concerns take over my body. I walk towards her. She's not here. She can't even hear me calling her name.

"Are you okay?" I ask. Touching her arms to get a reaction from her. I get a reaction, alright.

"Don't touch me." She shouts. Startle. She jumps away from me. The frightened inks perfectly behind her disturbed eyes.

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