31# One-shots: Broken Leg

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They're fourteen in this one-shot.

Mike's POV:

We're all laughing riding our bikes, since El just learned to ride on her own. I looked at El and she was grinning, blowing a kiss at me.

Next thing I know, El's on the ground with her bike on top of her. I swear my heart stopped and I yelled at the others to stop.

I threw my my bike on the ground and ran over to her. El was trying not cry.

"I-I'm fi-" She stopped talking and bit down on her lip in pain.
El sighed; "I can't feel my right leg."

Lucas knocked on the door to one of the houses on the street, and asked them if they could call an ambulance.

It didn't take them long to arrive (considering Hawkins is so small). I rode with El in the ambulance and the others rode on their bikes, to the Hopper's office to tell him what happened.

She broke her leg.

She's currently wearing a cast on her leg, and I've signed it; "Love you<3- Mike."

After I had written the message, El had smiled at me and kissed my cheek saying it back. I obviously wasn't allowed to be in the room with El until Hopper came, but I was the first person to enter the room as soon as we got permission.

Eleven's POV:

Having a broken leg sucks.

It was hard walking and I have to use crutches when I'm in school. When I'm home or at Mike's I usually make myself float to the places I need to go.

Hopper thinks it's funny. He tells me to be careful, because he doesn't want me to overuse my powers.

Everyone signed my cast (except Will who drew all of us instead), but Mike's my favorite. "Love you<3." It always makes my smile when I see it.

Mike and I are sitting in his basement doing our homework right now.

"So that's how you find X... are you even listening?" Mike asks me with a small smile.

I shook my head and he chuckled.

I kissed him quickly and went back to doing my homework.


Hey guys!

So I'm sorry it's really short, but I've been busy with school and it's my moms birthday today.

Did you like this one-shot?

See you next Saturday .

Stay strange!

Bookstagram: annika_book_lover

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