22# One-shot: First Day In School

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This is a year after season 2, and it's El's first school day.

I can't stop listening to this song. Time After Time by Cyndi Lauper. Because Mileven.

Max's POV:

El is sitting next to me, fiddling with her fingers. Hopper offered to drive me to school. But I think it was because he wanted me to calm El down.

"Calm down El, Mike will be there." I tell her, smirking slightly. I can see Hopper narrowing his eyes at me in the rear-view mirror.

It took a half year until El finally excepted me. When we became friends she told why she hated me. She thought I "crushed" Mike. I couldn't help but laugh, and tell her that I didn't like Mike, but that I like Lucas.

One day El turned to me and asked what a best friend was. I explained what it meant, and El was quiet for a while. "Do you want to be my best friend?" I said yes and I've never seen El smile that much, when she's not with Mike.

We arrive at the school and I get out of the car and wait for El. I can tell that Hopper is saying something to her before she gets out of the car.

We walk towards the boys and El immediately stands next to Mike. Mike takes her hand in his and I can see El relax. I smile at Lucas and he smiles back.

"So El, are you ready for school?" Dustin asks, with a goofy smile on his lips. El nods her head, but she won't remove her eyes from the ground.

We make our way though the entrance and everyone is starring at El. We walk towards the office to get El's locker number and schedule. I can hear people whispering different things.

"Wait, is that the new girl?"

"Wow she has short hair!"

"It's not that short Heather."

"Mike Wheeler has a girlfriend?"

"She's pretty."

"She's not that pretty."

I remember how people would whisper about me,  my first day. It wasn't fun, but I didn't let it bother me. I think it will bother El though.

We finally reach the office and we go inside the room.

"We're her to pick up Ja-"

"Jane Hopper's schedule. Here you go. I hope you have a good first day," Mrs. McCarthy says. I roll my eyes, and we walk outside.

El looks around nervously when she figures out that her first class (biology), was without Mike.

"It's going to be fine, Max is with you." Will tells El. El nods her head and we tell the guys goodbye.


El is sitting next to Mike leaning against him. We're having lunch, but El is extremely tired, from learning all day long.

"Do you want my sandwich?" Dustin asks her.

She shakes her head, and closes her eyes. Mike puts his right arm around her shoulders, and lays his head on top of hers. I can feel Lucas starring at me so I look towards him. I whisper;" Stalker." Lucas grins and I chuckle.

El opens her eyes and smiles towards me.

My best friend.


Hey guys!

I know this ending wasn't that good, but I'm watching a movie with my parents soon, so I had to write fast.

Did you like this one-shot?

See you next Saturday.

Stay Strange!

Bookstagram: annika_book_lover

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