Episode 21: We Met Yesterday

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Will's POV:

My mom woke me up, and I took my clothes on. She had asked me too wake up Mike and El. I walked to El's door and knocked on it. On one answered, so I walked into the room. Mike and El, were lying in the bed together. El had her head on Mike's chest, and Mike had his arm around her waist. I smiled at them. "Hey wake up guys" I said shacking them slightly. Mike woke up, and stopped me from waking El up. "Don't wake her up, she needs to sleep" he said stroking her hair. She snuggled further into Mike's side, and Mike grinned. "Okay, just wake her up soon, there's breakfast" I said walking out of the room. I chuckled, and walked into the kitchen.

Mike's POV:

El was still sleeping. She looked so peaceful. Her hair was getting longer, but I really don't care, how long or short her hair is. I know El wants her hair to be longer, but she looked beautiful no matter what. I smiled and kissed her cheek. "Wake up El" I whispered. She opened her pretty brown eyes, and looked around the room. She furrowed her eyebrows, looking confused. "El?" I asked. She looked at me, and sat up. She looked scared, and tried to pull away from me. "El are you okay?" I asked worriedly. Her eyes suddenly widened, and her mouth formed a 'O' form. "Good morning Mike" she said, smiling. "Are you okay?" She nodded and smiled even more. What is going on?

Lucas's POV:

Dustin and I, we're on our way to Will and El's house. We're usually home at Mike's, but Mike is always with El, so we just go to the Byers's house. We went into the house, and saw Will sitting on the sofa, in the living room. Mike hat his arms wrapped around El, and she was leaning into him. "What up love birds, and Will" Dustin said, grinning. Mike threw a pillow at him, but he caught it. "What do you guys want to do" Will asked playing with his fingers. "We could go to the woods, and play hide and seek" I said, and they all nodded, except El. "What is.........hide and s-seek?" Mike smiled before explaining. She nodded, and we all went outside to take out bikes. Well, El was sitting on Mike's bike, behind him. We all drove away.

Dustin's POV:

We were all standing in the woods, discussing who was going to catch each other. "I think it should be El" Lucas said. We all shock out heads. "No since its her first time playing, she should be hiding. I'll do it" Will said. We all agreed, and started to hide, when Will was counting. Mike and El, were hiding together. I ran over to a huge tree, and hid behind it. I think Lucas climbed a tree. Will was now walking around trying to find us. He found Mike first, then El. El was smiling a little. Will spotted me and ran over to me. Dang it! He couldn't find Lucas, so he came down from the tree. It was Mike's turn to find us, and we all ran away. I saw El hide behind a tree, a really small tree. I laughed because she's so thin that you couldn't see her. I ran behind a bush. Lucas climbed a tree again. Mike found Lucas first, then me, and then Will. "El where are you?" Mike asked laughing. She didn't answer, so I told them where she was hiding. We went over to the tree, and El was laying on ground, with her eyes closed. We all rushed over to her. "El! Wake up!" Mike screamed. He lifted her, and sat her against the tree.

Mike's POV:

As I sat her against the tree, her eyes fluttered open. "El, are you okay?" I asked, stroking her hair softly. She nodded, but she looked confused. She looked over at Will. "You back?" El asked confused. "El you know that" Lucas said. "You don't call me El" she said and furrowed her eyebrows. What the hell?! What is happening to El?
"El, what do you remember?" I asked softly. "You helped me, in rain yesterday" she said, looking down. I looked at the boys, who were all looking sad. "Come El, let's go to your- I mean, Will's house" Dustin said.

Joyce's POV:

The boys and El walked in, and they were all looking sad. "What's going on" I asked. Mike took El's hand and a pulled her into her room. "What's going on?" I asked again. The boys looked at each other, before Dustin answered. "El can only remember, meeting us that day, Will disappeared". My eyes widened, and I tried to say something.

But I couldn't find anything to say.


So that happened guys.

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