Episode 2: Alive

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Mike's POV:

After seeing Hopper in the woods, we hurried back to my basement. "What was he doing?" Lucas asked confused. Dustin was pacing around the room and Will was starring at the wall. "If I knew don't you think I would have told you?" I said clearly annoyed. What if the food was for El? If the food was for Eleven, that would mean she's alive! "Guys what if, El is still alive and Hopper was laying food for her" I said looking at the other guys. They all stared at me, and then started shouting. "Eleven is still alive!" Shouted Dustin. "I think she's dead, sorry guys, but there must be some other reason" said Lucas. Will suddenly stood up and went to the bathroom.

Will's POV:

After I threw another slug up, I washed my mouth and looked at myself in the mirror. Why is this happening to me? I could hear the other guys arguing about Eleven. Honestly, I don't know what to think. It's clear that Mike has feelings for Eleven, but she might be dead. I sighed and stepped out of the bathroom. I walked over to the table in the middle of the room, and sat down on one of the chairs. I listened to Mike, Dustin and Lucas argue for another five minutes before interrupting. "Guys shut up?! We have to ask Hopper about this okay?" I said and crossed my arms over my chest. They looked at me before Lucas spoke. "So we just randomly ask Hopper why he laid food in the woods?" I nodded my head. "Yeah that's actually a good idea, let's do it after school tomorrow" said Dustin.

Tomorrow after school..........

Mike's POV:

We slowly walked into the police station and knocked on Hoppers door. He opens the door looking pissed. "What are you doing?" He asked taking out a cigarette. "We wanted to ask you a question" Will said and walked into the office, with the rest of us following behind.

"We saw you yesterday" I said to Hopper as we sat in his office. He narrowed his eyes at me and asked; "What are you talking about?" Dustin sighs and answers. "We saw you on n the woods, yesterday". Hopper tensed and looked down at his table. "Why were you in the woods?" Lucas asked. "No point in lying. Eleven is still alive, she's in the upside down" Hopper said and looked directly at me. Eleven........

Eleven's POV:

I was cold. Everything is dark and I'm scarred. I'm lying in my fort but it's not the same. It's now warm and safe anymore. I miss Mike so much it hurts. But I know he has to move on. Because I will never get out. If I do, the demogorgon will too.



So yeah that was chapter two. I was thinking about changing the name and the cover.

Do you guys look like "Without you" as the title instead? Please comment!

Bye guys!!!

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