25# One-shots: The Tutor

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They're seventeen.

Eleven's POV:

I haven't talked to my friends in a long time.

I've been so busy getting tutored by John. He's been helping since last month, and we've been seeing each other almost everyday. Mike and the others have told me that it's okay, since I'm approving my education.

"Hi beautiful, do you want to hang out tonight?" Mike asks me.

"Hi, I really want to but I can't. John is helping me with geographic." I tell him sadly.

Mike looks at me and raises his eyebrows at me.

"You can cancel, and spend some time with me for once. You haven't hung out with any of us in ages!"

"I'm sorry Mike, but John is really helping me."

Mike sighs and walks away. I just keep standing in the hallway until the bell rings. I always sit with the guys for lunch, but since Mike is mad at me, I guess I can't do that.

I walk outside and sit up against a tree (like girls always do in romance books). I open my book and start reading where I left of. Suddenly I feel someone sitting down next to me.

I look up from my book, to find John sitting next to me. I close my book and smile at John. John gives me an apple and I thank me.

"I noticed that you didn't have any food, and I know you really like apples sooo."

"Thanks. I just... I'm not feeling very well." I lie and look down.

John frowns and he narrows his brown eyes at me.

"No seriously what's wrong?"

"Mike is... sad that I'm spending so much time with you instead of him."

John sighs and runs his hand through his hair. We're both quiet for a while until I see Mike looking at me through the window of the cafeteria.

I smile at him but he turns his head away. I look down towards the ground and feel tears well up in my eyes and John pads my back.

"You know maybe I could talk to Mike-"

"No! Don't. We'll figure it out." I tell him.

John stands up and walks away. I close my eyes and lean my head against the tree.

Mike's POV:

Freaking John.

He's always with El, and it annoys me a lot. Because El and I used to hang out a lot, but now we don't, because she's hanging out with freaking John.

"Mike?" Someone says from behind me.

I turn around to find John. John is leaning against the lockers next to mine, and I groan. Why is everywhere?!

"I just wanted to tell you... that El really misses you. It's not because she doesn't want to be with you, but she wants to impress you. That's why we use so many hours on me teaching her a lot of different things." He says.

"Because she thinks that you will like her more if she's more smart."

I look down and when I look up, John is completely gone.

Eleven's POV:

Someone knocks on my bedroom door (probably Hopper) so I open it with my mind. Mike steps into my room and I sit up from my bed.


"You know that you're smart enough right? You're incredibly smart, you don't have to prove anything to me."

I smile at him and stand up. Mike walk over to me and kisses me slowly.

We pull away and I smile, he smiles back at me.




Hey guys!

John is actually one of my friends. He asked if he could be in my story soooo.

Did you like this one-shot?

See you next Saturday.

Stay Strange!

Bookstagram: annika_book_lover

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