Episode 28:Breakfaste

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Jonathan's POV:

I was making my way to El's room to wake her up. Mom had told me to wake her up, while she made breakfast. Which is weird because I usually do it. I open the door slowly and smirk at what I see. El's head is laying on Mike's chest, and Mike has his arm around her. I quietly walk over to the bed and wake up El. "Jonathan?" El looked so tired. "What is Mike doing in your bed?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest.
Even though I think Mike is a great guy, I have to play the 'big brother' role.
"I was scared, so called Mike. He came over and help me sleep" El said trying to sit up. Key word trying. Mike tights his grip around Eleven and pull her closer. I tried really hard not to laugh when El started blushing. "Just next time wake up me or mom okay?" I asked. She nodded and looked down at Mike. She smiled and kissed his cheek.

I burst out laughing when I came into the kitchen. Will was drawing and my mom had just placed the food on the table. "Where's El?" Mom asked. "I think you should put another plate on the table" I said smirking. She raised her eyebrows. "Why?" She asked putting a hand on her right hip. "Well apparently, El got scared last night. So she called Mike and he came over and slept with her" I said sitting down. Will was silent for a while before bursting out laughing. "Wait till the boys hear this" he said grinning.
"I guess it's good I made extra breakfast anyway, Hopper is eating breakfast here today" mom said. I looked at her confused. "Why would Hopper eat breakfast with us?" I asked closing my eyes for a second. "Well, he always eats alone so I thought he could eat with us today" my mom said happily. I nodded. I can't wait for Mike and El to come out of the bedroom and tease them. I looked at Will, he had the same expression on his face.

Mike's POV:

Someone pushed me down on the floor. "Auch" I said looking at El. "Why did you push me out of the bed?" I asked standing up. "You didn't wake up" she said smiling. "You think it's funny?"' I asked smiling myself. She nodded and chuckled. "Well the tickle monster doesn't think so" I said pinning her down on the bed. I tickled her and she burst out laughing. I couldn't help but laugh. I love everything about her. I stopped after one minute and El tried to calm down. "Come on let's eat breakfast" El said standing up.
"El they others doesn't know I'm here" I said. She shock her head. "Jonathan came to wake me up, he saw us and told us to eat breakfast" she said. Shit. "Okay" I gulped.

Eleven's POV:

We walked into the kitchen and every body was looking at us. I sat down next to Will, and Mike sat down next to me. "Did you sleep well Mike?" Will said smirking. Mike was blushing and looked away when he said 'yes'. "I bet you guys slept well, it looked like you did" Jonathan said taking a sip on his orange juice. Mike blushed even more.
I took some Eggos on my plate, and I poured some orange juice into my cup.
Suddenly the front door opened and footsteps came closer to the dining room. Hopper came into the room and took a seat next to Joyce. I looked at Mike and he was white as a ghost.

Mike's POV:

Shit. Hopper is here. He looked at me before turning to Joyce. "Thank you for inviting me" Hopper said. "What are you doing here Mike" Hopper asked looking me in the eyes. "He had a sleepover with El" Jonathan said grinning. I choked on my eggo and El looked at me weird. Hopper gave me the 'you-better-watch-out' look. I looked down on my food and El held my hand under the table. I smiled at little and kept eating.

Will's POV:

This is hilarious. Hopper is staring at Mike like he wants to kill him, and El doesn't understand what is going on.  I excused myself and walked to my room. I wanted to talk to the boys, and tell them what is going on. I looked where my walkie talkie usually was, but it wasn't there. I walked into the kitchen and asked if anybody had seen it. "It's in my room" El answered. Mike gave me the 'don't-do-it' look. I smirked and walked into El's room, and took the walkie talkie.

"Hey guys you there, over" I said waiting for a respond. "Yeah I'm here, over" Dustin said. "Max and I are here, over" Lucas said. "Ooh you are with Max huh, over" Dustin said. "Guys you will never believe what just happened, over" I said. "What, over" Max asked. "So this morning Jonathan told me that Mike had sneaked into El's room in the middle of the night, because she was scared. And when Jonathan wanted to wake El up, he saw El with her head on Mike's chest, and Mike's arm around her, over" I said. There was silence for a while. "I can't wait to tease Mike about this" Dustin said. I laughed, oh it will be fun in school tomorrow.


Hey guys.

So I write mistakes when El talk, because she doesn't know how to speak properly.

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