6 # One-shot: The Lonely Summer

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(They're seventeen)

Mike's POV:

I don't want to leave. I got accepted into this science camp along with the rest of the boys. El can't go because she doesn't have the best grade in science and Max wasn't accepted.

"Do you really have to leave, for two months?" El asks me.

"I'm so sorry El, but it's not that long. We've been apart for years before," I tell her. I kiss her softly before stepping into the bus. I sit down next to Lucas, who puts his arm around my shoulder, and the bus starts driving.

"Don't worry  it's only two months, and you'll have two more weeks when we get home, before school starts." Dustin says with a smile.

"I wanted two months and two weeks with her. Why did you make me sign up for this?" I ask them, fighting back tears.

Will sighs and Dustin rolls his eyes. "Because we knew you want to go. You know it's okay to be separated from you girlfriend for a little while right?" Lucas asks me.

"I don't want to ever be separated from her."

(A month later)

Eleven's POV:

It's been a month. 30 days, 1800 minutes. I miss Mike so much. It's weird not talking to him everyday. Max has been keeping me company but she's missing Lucas a lot.

"Come on El, let's go buy ice cream," Max says, dragging me to the nearest ice cream truck. Max is handling this better me. I know she's trying to do something all the time, to forget that Lucas isn't here.

Suddenly Max starts giggling. I turn to look at her and she's looking at me. "What?"

"The guy working in the ice cream truck is checking you out," she tells me. I look at him and look away quickly.

It's true, the boy is looking at me. He has black hair and green eyes. He's wearing glasses and he's looking me up and down.

When it's our turn, the boy only looks at me. "What can I get you?" He asks. I order a strawberry ice cream, and Max orders a chocolate ice cream. Max pays for hers but when I went to pay for mine, he told me; "It's on the house," with a wink.

I thank him and walk away. Max looks at me and starts laughing hysterically. I frown and she points to the cup on my ice cream. He has written 'Call me ######## - Benjamin'. I sigh and just eat my ice cream.

"That's so funny!"

No it isn't. I miss Mike.

Mike's POV:

I miss El so much. I wish I could just hold her in my arms. Lucas is clearly missing Max. Will is missing Valerie and Dustin's missing Sally. I guess they should try and follow their own advices.

"Maybe we should like... What did we do before we had girlfriends?" Will asks.

"That's a good question, that I can't answer," Dustin says.

We're laying on the grass outside the camp, just starring at the starts, wondering what El is doing. Probably sleeping.

(1 month later)

We're finally here. Home. I can't wait to get out of this damn bus! It finally stops and I run out of the bus. El is standing close by the bus, in her blue dress. I run over to her and pick her up. She laughs and kisses me longingly. I notice the boys doing the same to their girlfriends.

I set El down on the ground and look her up and down. She looks the same except her hair has been cut a little. Suddenly a boy aper behind her, poking her shoulder. El turns around and gasp.

He has black hair and green eyes. Plus he's wearing glasses.

"Hi Benjamin..." El trails off.

"Hi um..." "El."

"Yeah El. You never called me. What happened? Did you throw the cup away by mistake. Who's that, ahh it's your brother. I'm here to pick up my twin brother as well," Benjamin says.

"No I'm her boyfriend." I say putting my arm around her waist. Benjamin gulps and runs away quickly.

I raise my eyebrow at El and she smiles sheepishly. 


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I'm sorry for not updating last Saturday . I was at work, and I was so tired when I came home. I have to work next Saturday, but I will try to update.

I'll See you (hopefully) next Saturday.

Stay Strange!

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