28# One-shot: Double Date

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So this is an AU, they're sixteen and El doesn't have any powers. And it's 2018 in the story.

Btw, Happy New Years! I'm sorry I haven't uploaded anything in two weeks. I was sick the first Saturday and Wattpad wasn't working last Saturday.

Mike's POV:

"Dude check her out!" Lucas points to the red haired girl. She's holding her skateboard talking to somebody.

"What about her?"

"She's hot!"

I look at her again but then someone els catches my eye. A girl with brown curly hair reaching her shoulders, is talking with red haired girl. She's wearing skinny jeans and a hoodie. Her brown eyes are sparkling and she laughing at something the red haired girl said.

I don't realize that I've been starring before Lucas hits my shoulder.

"Okay you'll distract the brunette, while I talk with the red haired girl okay?"

I nod my head and we make our way over to the girls. We don't usually talk with girls because they don't like us. They would rather hang out with the football jocks. We finally reach the girls they both look up at us.

I lock eyes with the brunette, and the wolds just stops. She doesn't remove her eyes from mine either. Everything fades into her and I need to remind myself that I have to breath. The girl gives me small smile and I smile back. Suddenly someone pulls me away and the world suddenly starts moving again.

Lucas is pulling me down the hallway and I look behind me to see the brunette starring at me with her mouth slightly open.

Suddenly we're standing in the science classroom.

"Why did you drag me away?!" I yell at Lucas.

"Uh, because I was done talking to Max. So you didn't need to distract Jane."

"Her name is Jane?"


Jane. The beautiful brunette's name is Jane. I starting smiling a bit and Lucas made a face at me. I kept imagining her voice, since I hadn't heard it yet.

"Yeah I asked Max to go on a date with me, and she said as long as she could bring her friend Jane, then she would love to go on a date with me. So do you want to go with-"

"Yes! I-I mean... sure I don't have anything else to do." I said shrugging.

I'm going to meet Jane again.

Eleven's POV:

"Eleven? Why are you starring at the air? ELEVEN!"

"What?" I say as I break out of my trance.

Max sighs and starts walking down the hallway. I follow after her but my mind is with the boy with the freckles. The world stopped around me as soon as the boy looked at me. His beautiful hair was messy and I wanted to run my fingers through the curls.

"So what happened between you and Mike."

"The boy with the freckles name is Mike?"

"Yeah, so what happened between you guys!?"

To be honest I don't what happened between us. I just couldn't look away from his eyes. He is extremely tall, I barley reached his shoulders.

"I don't know..."

"Well you should thank me. I just scored myself a date with Lucas, and I scored you a date with Mike."

I stop walking and stand still. Max looks at me with a smirk and keeps walking.

I'm going on a date with Mike.

Mike's POV:

We're waiting for the girls to arrive. We're sitting in a both at Benny's Burgers. It's honestly the best burger place in the whole town.

The door opens, and I need to remind myself how to breath.

Max looks great as well, but Jane looks absolutely amazing

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Max looks great as well, but Jane looks absolutely amazing.

The sit next to each other, and Jane sits down in front of me.

Lucas and Max start talking immediately, but Jane and I are quiet for a while.

"Um... Hi my name is Michael Wheeler. But I prefer Mike.

"Hi Mike. My name is Jane Hopper, but I prefer Eleven."

I raise my eyebrows.

"Eleven? Why?"

"Because it's my favorite number and Max started calling me that when we first met because I had drawn '11' on my notebook."

I nod my head in understating. 

"Well Eleven takes too much time to say. I'll call you El... short for Eleven."

El nods her head and I smile.

We talk and talk through the whole entire date, completely forgetting that Lucas and Max were there.


Hey guys!

Did you like this one-shot?

I will not update next Saturday, because I'm going to London.

See you soon.

Stay Strange!

Bookstagram: annika_book_lover

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