Twenty Seven

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(I'm not sure about this chapter tbh but 😬)

Negan tutted at you and hauled you up, grimacing as he did. You wondered why he'd bother to come to you after being shot in the ribs. Then it suddenly dawned on you. You could've killed Negan.

Simon, well, he was planned out. You had planned to shoot him in the shoulder, knowing it was quickly fixable and wouldn't kill him. Besides, they had a doctor to hand, but Negan?

You didn't mean to shoot him. It was a rush of adrenaline and panic as he was behind you. Shooting Negan made you tremble and you instantly regretted it. You knew how he was, his nature, how he acted towards you. On and off, constantly showing signs of kindness then reverting back to being brash and rude. But you knew, and for certain you knew now, that if Negan ever got harmed, you would sorely miss him.

It doesn't make sense, does it? The psychopath who murdered your friends, would be missed by you, when anyone else would be happy. You closed your eyes and rested your head against his chest. You sighed, letting out an accidental whimper, your back twinging as Negan made his way up the steps.

The tears treating down your face were just constant; and you had no control over your emotions at this point. The only happiness you felt was for Daryl. Knowing he got away and was now free.

Negan suddenly groaned and stopped. He leant against the wall and closed his eyes for a second, holding you a little less strongly. "N-" you began to speak but your voice was quiet. You cleared your throat and opened your mouth to speak. "I'm fine doll'" He said beginning to walk again.

He walked through the sanctuary and into his bedroom. He set you down on the couch and walked into his bathroom. You sat there as still as could be, for any movement of your spine and you would be in agony, even though you were pretty much there. The small whimper and groaned escaped your lips every now and then, the pain was excruciating.

From where you were sitting you could see him take off his shirt. He was covered in blood. He opened the bathroom drawer and got out some tweezers and some bandages. He operated on himself, taking the bullet out from his wound and using some sort of liquid to clean the would. After that he patched himself up, cleaned up and seemed to be fine.

He slowly strolled over to you, his face as cold as ice. He grabbed your hand and escorted you into the bathroom, it was quite large considering it was basically makeshift. Once you were in he shut the door behind him and turned on the light. "Take your clothes off." He ordered moving to the bathtub as his hand lightly covered his bandage, holding his side, clearly he was in pain. He began to run some hot water into it, and a little cold.

You couldn't move your arms without the pain becoming worse, but you did as you were told. You gripped he bottom of your shirt and pulled it up, your back tensed and your spine felt like it would break. You knew where you had been shot, right beneath your right shoulder blade, and it felt as if someone was digging a knife into your skin each time you moved an inch.

You shuddered at the pain and groaned lowly. The feeling was terrible. You then moved to your jeans, which weren't so hard as you pushed them down a little, managing to wiggle out of them. You kicked your socks off and you were almost done. You turned and looked at Negan; who was waiting for you. He could see you needed help with your bra and nodded, taking it off for you. "Get on in." He said putting your clothes into the corner. He brought a chair up beside the bath and you sat down, the warm water saturating your skin, relaxing and slowing your heart rate.

"Now. I'm going to clean this mess up that you've caused upon yourself. Then we are going to have a little, bit serious chat. And I mean serious, doll'." He put a badage, some cleaning alcohol, a clean towel and the tweezers on his lap. "Turn away from me." He said. You did as you were told, facing the wall, noticing the hard cracks in the plaster.

Negan made the towel wet with the water from the bath and wiped it over your wound. You winced and gripped the side of the bathtub, groaning as he cleaned you up. "This, was rather uncalled for. Now believe me sweetheart, I didn't tell them to shoot you. I said, don't shoot. But a newbie, didn't listen. So now he's in solitary for 6 months." He sighed and started taking the bullet out with the tweezers, this hurting just as much.

"I-I'm so sorr-ry!" You whispered, whimpering at the pain he was chasing you for taking the bullet out.

"So you should be. You cost me a lot of wasted time. A lot of blood. And my right hand man is currently unconscious, with the doctor tending to him." Negan sighed and finished removing the bullet. He then prepared the alcohol to clean the wound. "This is going to sting. A lot."

As the towel coated in alcohol made contact with your back you stifled a scream and gripped the bathtub hard, your knuckles turning white. Once that easy over he dried your back and patched you up, bandaging the wound around your torso and tightly.

"There. All done. You will heal, and the doctor will check up on you to make sure it's healing properly." Negan said standing up and putting the supplies away. He sat back down and turned you around, the water swishing about filling the silence.

You stared down into the bath, your fingers clasped tightly together. Negan pushes your chin up forcing you to look at him. "Are you stupid or are you stupid?" He murmured. You looked away and sighed. "I'm s-"

"Save it. I don't want to hear it. You apologise, and you betray me again. Why?" He asked.

"Because, you.. you took me here against my will. And you keep me here like I'm a prisoner." You answered, calmly speaking, although you were irritated.

"Prisoner? Hardly, sweetheart. I've made a home for you. Given you everything. And you are so ungrateful. I could lock you up just like Daryl but do I? No. I make you as comfortable as you please." He retorted, leaning closer towards the bathtub.

"No, Negan. It's not normal. None of this is normal! Keeping me here, just to- to what? Get at Rick?" You shook your head and got out the bath slowly, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around yourself.

You slowly walked out and sat on the bed.

"Rick? Fine. I admit this was about Rick. And I would've given you back, but doll', I'm just too involved with you now." He said sitting beside you. You scoffed. "Stop being so sarcastic." You said shaking your head. Negan frowned. "Y/n, I am not being sarcastic." He sighed and looked away from you. "Doll, I may even care about you. I don't know why I do, you're in Ricks group and you are insufferable to cooperate with sometimes. But, god woman, why are you so goddamn special." He looked at you and you looked at him. Both sharing the same moment, the same feelings. You could tell he was being serious, and his face didn't show any sign of sarcasm like it usually did.

"Negan, I'm sorry for shooting you. I don't mean to, I was panicking and didn't think straight. I-" you began to tear up and your voice grew hoarse. "I can't forgive myself for that, and if anything happened to you, especially if t was my fault, I don't think I'd be able to let that go easily." You sighed and wiped your eyes, sniffing as your nose became blocked up.

"Y/n?" Negan asked, and he placed his hand on yours. "Please stay, here. I won't make you, and if you want to go and see Rick or any one else you can leave. But...I want you, here, with me. My wives they, they're all the same. They all want one thing just to get something in return. I know I made it like that, but having you here, goddamn have you made me feel more real than I have for a long time. And I'm taking about Before this shitstorm started." Negan moved his hand from yours and stood up, moved in front of you and knelt before you.

"Y/n, I give you my word, I'll no longer treat you badly, and dismiss you. I only did those things because I wanted to uphold my superiority over you and everyone else but, baby, I just want you." He grabbed your hands.

Everything he was saying didn't make sense, it felt too unreal, too much like a dream.

Negan chuckled slightly. "Now don't get me wrong I'm just being soppy now, but that doesn't mean I'll change my actions. I'm still the same, I'll still hate Rick, I'll still want everything my way, but you'll be taken care of properly. And you will know the difference. So, tell me, what's your decision? Are you staying or are you going?" He asked, his eyes piercing yours as he waited for your answer, his hands holding yours tightly, evident of his preferable answer to that question.

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