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You turned around and he was standing there, a smug grin slapped across his face. He was leaning back slightly with Lucille behind his back. You stared at him for a moment, then you went with your instinct and slapped him across the face hard.

Negan had a look of surprise and raised his eyebrows. "Damn." He shook his head and looked to the heavens before his eyes shot straight at you. "What was that for, because you got beat up?" He asked, a smirk creeping back onto his lips.

You noticed this and growled hitting his chest. "For being a smug little bastard. You think this is just some game don't you? You fucking kill my friends, take me, torment Rick with me, fuck me, use me like I don't matter and I'm here only for your personal gain." You don't know why you were saying this. It wasn't going to make Negan treat you nicely.

"I'm sorry doll'" He said rather softly and it caught you in a trap.

Sorry? He just apologised? You couldn't tell if he was joking or serious. You couldn't tell if any of his feelings were genuine.

He moved closer to you, causing you to step back against the railing. You looked behind you, down at the drop, then back at him.

"I'm sorry they hurt you. They're being dealt with." He said lowly, his deep voice sending chills down your back. You hated how he made you react. You turned around and faced out across the balcony, which was the wrong choice, because he moved right behind you, his arms either side of you, hands holding the railing. You were trapped.

You cleared your throat and swallowed. "I hear Simon rescued you." He whispered looking down at your hair trailing down your back. He touched it briefly, his hand moving further down your back, causing you to grip the railing hard. "Yes. He did." You said staring out across where Simon had driven out of.

"Was he good to you?" He murmured, his face so close to your ear you shivered blatantly. You don't know what he meant so you didn't answer. "Did he take care of you?" You nodded.

"Did you thank him for it?" He asked and you shook your head feeling bad again. Negan groaned in disapproval making your body tingle. "Better thank him. Next time he won't think twice about leaving you." He moved away then and you felt infuriatingly alone.

"I'll see you later sweetheart." He whispered before he left your vicinity.

#TeamNegan or #TeamSimon?

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