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You jerked your head away from Negan and stepped backwards. "Fuck off." You said.

At this point, you had no fear of what he would do. You knew he wouldn't follow through with it. At least you had faith that he wouldn't do that. "Listen darlin'. The loss of one bitch won't affect me at all. So keep on giving me hell, you'll be the one to suffer." He said lowly, his eyes on you intently.

You felt offended and hurt by what he said and you walked off. You heard Negan and his men laughing and you turned your head and scowled at them.

What an asshole.

You spent the rest of the day pretty much by yourself. You had finished the rations and you were now sitting outside by the walkers in their little cages. You noticed some of the people were terrified and you felt bad for them. This was a sick game that Negan conducted to teach someone a lesson. You felt angry about it kicked the fence hard. A walker turned and growled at you and reached for your through the fence. "Fuck off." You said to it before turning around and walking away.

As you turned, however, Simon was behind you.

"Hey." He said as he smiled at you. "You can fuck off as well." You said walking away from him. Although, as you walked Simon followed you. "What Negan said, about losing just another bitch, don't listen to him. He's an asshole when he's mad, if not all the time." He said quietly.

You stopped and turned to face him.

Why was he suddenly being nice to you?

"Why are you saying that? I bet you loved it when he told me that. Seeing the hurt on my face probably made you laugh your ass off." You said folding your arms. Simon sighed and looked down at the floor. His eyes diverted away from you but you could sense there was something he wanted to say.
"No, I wasn't. As a matter of fact, I feel bad for what he did. He shouldn't have said that to you." He explained. You scoffed. "If this is a stupid joke to get me to think you're a stand-up guy and you're really not then I suggest you stop what you're doing right now." You said feeling annoyed.

"I'm not a complete asshole Y/N. But I'm just trying to.." He trailed off and shrugged. "Forget it. Negan wants you. He's in his room." Simon said beginning to walk off.

You caught up with him and stopped him. You caught his arm and you wanted to ask him what he was going to say, but you didn't. "You tell Negan if he wants me, he comes to me. I don't take orders from him." You said letting go of his arm.

Simon sighed. He knew Negan wouldn't like that, but he did as you asked anyway.

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