Chapter 25

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Author's note: I hope this chapter is not too confusing... and I know it's short, but a lot happens, so I hope you like it. Anyway, next chapter will be the epilogue.

Strange meets Weird - Chapter 25

Amy and Linny walked towards the mirror, hand in hand. Linny was shaking and Amy was trying to be supportive, while praying that she was right about the symbols.

Once they were in front of the mirror, Amy pointed the symbol and Linny approached it. After one last look at her friend for reassurance, she finally dared to do it. As soon as the frame of the mirror was touched, it started glowing and an image started forming on it. 

- At least I'm still here.

Amy nodded. Still too nervous to talk.

After a few seconds, which seemed like an eternity, the image became clear. In front of them, was the image of Linny, the alternate Linny, looking beautiful in dress, with dark hair and make-up that made her eyes shine. She was smiling, happy. That is until she saw them.

- Amy!! Is that you?! And is that... is that the other Linny? the other me?

Amy almost choked in tears when she saw her old friend. She had to control herself so she wouldn't hug the mirror.

- It is me, Linny. My dear Linny! You look wonderful. Are you as happy as you look?

- Yes, Amy. You were right. I found myself after all. Wait, Amy, well; the other Amy is also here. Aaaamyyyyyyyyy!

Quick steps were heard and then a huge scream.

- OMG! Linny!!!! And that's your Amy, isn't it? OMG! Wait what does it mean?

Both Amys looked at each other, then smiled. On the other hands, the Linnys were clearly nervous. Finally, alternate Amy, cleared her throat and explained.

- We wanted to check up on you girls... See, I think that, though I was supposed to switch back to my reality, maybe Linny isn't. Of course, it's just a theory... Which is why we wanted to ask Linny, my dear Linny, if she wanted to stay there.

Alternate Linny started shaking too. Her eyes filled with tears. Clearly speechless, she took a little moment before answering.

- I do. Amy, do you hate me? Please don't hate me. I miss you, I'll always love you, but...

- But your life is there, and mine is here. I understand my dear Linny. I know it's for the best, and I only wish to see you happy. Understand? You won't be alone either. I'll take care of Linny and Amy there will take care of you.

Everybody nodded, a few words of appreciation and love were exchanged. Then the imaged faded, and the symbol disappeared from the frame of the mirror. Both Linny and Amy stared at the empty space where the symbol used to be. They had expected it to only work once, but it was still hard to process the idea of never seeing their friends. The communication between dimensions was no longer possible. 

Linny stood there, crying. Amy hugged her and let some of her own tears fall too. 


 The next day, Linny woke up with red eyes and messy hair. However, for the first time in a long time, she knew her life was in her hands. She smiled, and got up. There was so much she wanted to do, and now she didn't have to put her life on hold. She looked at the card she received at the party, and she sat in front of her laptop. She googled the name and read his CV. Once she was convinced he wasn't an idiot, she sent him an e-mail with a brief description of her book. 

After a shower and getting dressed, she went to the living room, only to find Amy still sleeping on the couch. She made some coffee and brought a cup to her friend. She touched Amy's hair softly to wake her up. Amy looked up and smiled.

- Good morning Amy.

- Hi.

Amy was still sleepy, so she received the cup of coffee eagerly.

Linny looked at her, and said almost in a whisper.

- I'm sorry you won't be around your Linny...

- I'm sorry you won't be around your Amy.

They both knew they'd miss their old friends, but at least they had each other. They smiled to each other and while Amy took a shower, Linny got some breakfast ready.

Amy went to the kitchen and immediately attacked the food.

- Emotional situations always make me hungry.

Linny laughed and ate some scrambled eggs. 

- Linny, what are your plans now that you're staying?

- I'm going to look for a book deal. A guy at your party gave me his card, he offered to be my agent. He's pretty well known in the music industry, but I don't think he has been involved in book deals before.

- Still, that's huge. I'm sure you'll find a publisher soon then.

Amy smiled and Linny nodded. 

- What about Zach?

Linny looked down. She wanted to be with him, she couldn't deny that she loved him, but she also knew it was probably too late.

- I'll see if he'll give me another chance. I hope he will.

- I'm sure he will. Are you going to call him?

- What? Now?! Don't you think I should wait...

- Wait for what? Haven't you waited enough?

That was a good point. She was finally free to do what she wanted without having to wait for a change in her destiny. She breathed deeply and then nodded.

Linny looked at her cellphone with dread. She was nervous. What if he said no? He had all the reasons in the world to say no... Finally, she gathered some courage and called him.

- Linny?

- Hey Zach. I hope I didn't wake you up...

- No, that's alright. Are you OK?

- Yeah, sure. I'm good. I... I just wanted to apologize for the way I behave... and.. I wanted to ask you if... if you would like to go on a date with me someday... 

There she said it. She closed her eyes while she waited for the answer. She was sure he would yell at her, tell her she was crazy, or at least ask her what happened, instead he only said one word.

- Sure. 

- Sure? You'll go out with me again? 

- Well yeah, I've always wanted to go out with you, Linny.

- Great! What about next Saturday?

- OK. So, can I give you a call later today? just to talk I mean.

- Sure, I'd love that.

- OK, talk to you later then.

- Yeah. Bye Zach.

As soon as she hung up, she saw the huge smile on Amy's face.

- This is so awesome!! Oh, we got to plan your date with Zach, it has to be super romantic! Oh this is sooo cool!

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