Chapter 15

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Strange meets weird - Chapter 15

Linny's brain seemed unable to process the information. It wasn't possible, or was it? Had the most gorgeous man she had ever met, asked her out? A rock star no less?

- Huh... Mmm I mean, really?

Zach had been worried at first. Nobody wants to wait for an answer after asking a girl out on a date, but when he saw her blushing, he was a bit more relaxed.

- Yes, really. Is that a yes?

Linny nodded, unable to talk at the moment, and Zach smiled happiness filling his entire body. He was going to talk again, when something interrupted their pleasant conversation.

Indeed, while Zach and Linny were staring at each other with googly eyes, Matthew was having the worst night ever. Standing next to him was a journalist, showing him a picture of Jennifer kissing a well known actor. It was Matthew's voice that had snapped Linny out of her little trance.

- What on Earth is this, Jennifer?!

Jennifer turned around and looked at Matthew confused. Then at the picture and she suddenly looked like a deer caught in the lights.

- Hmm rehearsing for a new movie...

- That's such a bad lie!

- Oh, c'mon, you were away for weeks, what was I supposed to do? Like you didn't take advantage of your rock star image?

- Of course I didn't cheat on you! I'm not like you Jennifer! We are over!

- Oh, don't be so melodramatic! We are a great couple, why would you want to throw that away just because of a little indiscretion?

While Matthew was breaking up with Jennifer, he hadn't realized ha had been breaking something else. His anger had been directed to the glass of champagne in his hand, which shattered by the pressure. Blood was dripping, while he still yelling at his now ex-girlfriend. Amy had run to him and was trying to gain his attention while slowly removing the pieces of glass still on him.

- Matthew, Matt, you're bleeding. C'mon, let me help you.

Matthew didn't seem to listen for a while, still furious at Jennifer, but when Amy nudged him once more he finally looked at her and then noticed the blood.

- Oh.

- Yes, oh. C'mon Matt, let's go, there's a doctor just outside.

- There is?

- Yeah, they set up a medical tent in case of emergencies. Let's go.

Matthew let himself being lead outside. Linny stood up quickly and ran towards the wardrobe rack where they had left their stuff. She took Amy and her's coats and purses and ran towards the medical tent.

Of course, when she arrived, there was already a crowd surrounding it. She didn't know how to go through, but, fortunately for her, Jack saw her and helped her out. She took her arm and lead the way with conviction, he walked as if he owned the place. The crowds made way for them and the security guards let them through.

Amy smiled when she saw her friend, but didn't move away. Matthew looked so vulnerable, as if he would break down any minute. Jack told them he had sent a car to pick them up and Amy nodded grateful. When the car arrived, the driver asked where to go. They could go to the hotel but surely paparazzi would be waiting for them there. Linny's apartment hadn't been used yet since she arrived to this universe, so she had no idea if it would be big enough for all of them. Matthew shared his loft with Jennifer, so that wasn't an option either. And where did Amy live? She was about to ask, when Amy herself, already settled in the back seat with Matthew gave Lucy's address. Linny blinked, surprised by the choice, but then she nodded. Her mother would understand, besides all her stuff were still there, so she took a seat and the car took off.

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