Chapter 18

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Strange meets Weird - Chapter 18

Matthew woke up with a huge hangover the next day. He saw a couple of bottles of water and aspirin next to him and breathed a sigh of relief. When he went downstairs he found Linny, Amy, Lucy and Zach having breakfast.

- Zach? What are you doing here?

- I dropped you off last night and had to help you out while you threw up for hours because these two (he pointed to Linny and Amy) didn't want to help.

Amy raised her hands in defense.

- Hey, you get him drunk, you take care of him! It's only fair.

Zach was about to reply when Linny intervened.

- Don't start arguing again. And Matthew, you are not allowed to get drunk ever again!

Lucy nodded.

- Yeah, look at you, such a handsome young man and looking so sick today. Not under my roof, you hear me? Start behaving or I'm kicking you out.

- I understand. Sorry, Lucy.

- Ok then. Sit down, and I'll get you some coffee.

Matthew smiled at her. Lucy was really sweet and caring.


Zach left after breakfast, which allowed Lucy to gush about him.

- Linny, honey, I definitely approve. He's very good looking. Just make sure he doesn't get our Matthew drunk ever again.

Linny nodded at her mother, while thinking "shut up, shut up, shut up!". She knew Matthew and Amy were trying not laugh at the situation, but they were failing miserably.

- So, when should we do that BBQ you girls promised me?

Oh, the BBQ! Great, now she would be embarrassed in front of a bigger crowd.

- Whenever mom.

- How about this Saturday then? 

Linny shrugged.

- Sure, why not. We'll send e-mails.

- Great! 


After sending the invites to their friends, Amy and Linny went to the attic to read their books in peace.

- Hey Linny, how do you feel about the whole Zach situation?

- What do you mean?

- Well, you guys are dating while we are trying to go back home... Are you OK with this?

Linny had thought about it many times. A date hadn't seen a big deal, but if they continued to go out, she could fall in love quickly, and then what? The "other" Linny would come and take her place.

- It makes me want to puke.

Amy nodded.

- Do you still want to go back?

- Yeah, before I get more invested in that relationship...

They sat down and started reading. The books seemed less ridiculous and easier to understand but they couldn't find anything useful yet. That is until Amy started screaming.

- Look! Look! Look!

Linny looked at the page she was pointing and was astonished to see some symbols similar to those in her mirror.

- What does it say about the symbols?

- Nothing! These idiots haven't studied them. But it can't be a coincidence! They have to have some kind of meaning.

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