Chapter 4

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She was lost in her thoughts when a woman opened the door and approached her bed. She looked oddly familiar, but she couldn’t be… no, that was impossible. 

-       Linny, honey? I was so scared! I thought I was going to lose my beautiful daughter!

-       Mom?!

Strange meets weird - chapter 4

Her mom gave her a warm long hug and for the first time in a long time, Linny felt truly happy. Her mom was there, with her! She wasn't dead!

- Honey, how are you feeling? I was dreadfully scared when they told me what happened. What were you doing in the middle of the highway anyway?

- It's a long story, and I'm feeling quite confused right now...

- Oh, of course darling. The concussion would do that. I wonder when the doctor is going to arrive. I can't tell you how happy I was when the nurse told me you were awake. I had just gone for some coffee and next thing I know, my baby is awake again! What a relief! After what happened to your father...

- My dad? What about him?!

- Honey, you know I mean about the traffic accident from years ago. I still feel guilty for surviving it and not your dad. Maybe if he had been driving instead of me he would have survived. I... I don't know what to think anymore. But that horrible drunk! If I ever see him again...

Linny knew her mom being alive was too good to be true, and now she could see the reality here mirrored the one she had experienced so far. Here her mother survived, her dad died, the exact opposite of her real life. Tears started to fall without control. She hadn't had a good relationship with her dad for years, and now he was gone! Well, in this reality anyway. And her mom felt guilty too, just like her dad did back home... She wanted to tell her that it wasn't her fault, she wanted to tell her that she shouldn't feel guilty, all those things that she should've said to her dad but didn't...

Suddenly, thinking about her real life reminded her about Amy. She could be in trouble and she desperately needed to help her. She couldn't bear the idea of Amy alone in a strange universe.

- Mom, can I have a minute alone? I have a huge headache.

- Of course honey, I didn't mean to bring those awful memories to you.

Her mom looked sad and melancholic. Linny recognized that look, it was the same her father had most of the time. She wanted to say something, but the words got stuck in her mouth, so she just smiled at her mom, trying to convey the love she felt for her.

As soon as her mother left the room, Linny started searching the gift box. There she found a teddy bear and flowers, the usual gifts. However, there was more. Amy had left an envelope with 500 dollars and a bag with some change of clothes for Linny. She must have understood that she would need those once she left the hospital. She wondered where had Amy found that money... She also found a pair of concert tickets and a backstage pass. Now, that was odd. Why would she want to go to a concert? And the singer didn't ring a bell:  who was this "Mandy Ferris" anyway?

There were a lot of mysteries and she was determined to solve them all.

 Now she just needed to created a believable story to tell her mom so she wouldn't think she was crazy...

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