Chapter 10

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Author's Note: I've been thinking that Maria Sharapova looks like I imagine Jennifer to look. Of course Masha is not annoying, jealous and offensive. But she has the right look. Agree? Disagree?

Strange meets weird - chapter 10

When Linny woke up that day she felt apprehensive. Her feelings were a mess, fear, hope, excitement, sadness, disappointment; they were all mixed together and were giving her a headache. Once she got out of bed, she ran to take a long shower. After her morning routine and

changing into the prettiest yet casual outfit she could find, she went to the guest room where Amy was staying. She knocked the door. 

- Come in!

Amy was just exiting the shower and was only wearing a towel to cover herself.

- Linny, I'll have to ask you to lend me some clothes. I forgot I have nothing except what I wore last night.

- Of course Amy.

After picking some clothes, she returned with a few outfits so Amy could choose one. Amy chose a pair of jeans and a cute black top. She also grabbed a jacket for later, in case the temperature dropped. She wore her own black high heeled boots, a silver bracelets and silver earrings. She only put on eyeliner for eye make-up and a pink lip gloss. Her straight black hair was still wet, but she didn't want to air brush it, so she left it like that. She wanted to feel as natural as possible because whenever she was on tour, she felt like a barbie doll that had to be covered in make-up, expensive shiny clothes and lots of sparkling jewelry. Today she just wanted to be herself again.

Just plain Amy, the Amy she was at home; being around Linny helped her feel normal again and she was enjoying that.

After Amy got dressed, they went downstairs where Linny's mom was preparing lunch. They had slept more than expected, so it was already late in the morning.

- hey mom! How are you today?

- Good morning Linny! How was the party?

- Interesting... And I brought home a little souvenir.

Just then, Amy, who had been hiding behind Linny, made her appearance. 

- Good morning Lucy.

She smiled softly. She could only hope Lucy, Linny's mom, would be ok with her presence.

- Good morning Amy! I didn't know you were here.

Lucy smiled and then went to hug Amy. She whispered in her ear "I'm glad my daughter and you are friends again, she wasn't the same without you around".

Amy was happy to see that she was welcomed. Linny and her grabbed a quick snack and then Amy went out to the garden to make the dreaded phone call to Jack.

- Mandy!! Where are you?! Do you know how worried I've been?! And don't think your absence went unnoticed. The journos all reported how drunk you got. They even suggested you have a drinking problem!

- Jack, breathe. I just needed some time alone. And for the hundredth time, when we are not in public, call me Amy! I'm going to end up schizophrenic if you keep calling me Mandy.

- Fine. Amy. But seriously, where are you? I'll pick you up. Don't forget you have to leave soon for the next city of your tour.

- Don't worry. My accountant and I will be at the hotel in 2 hours ready to leave on the tour. She'll be staying in the tour bus, at the place that belonged to Sthefany before you fired her.

- You can't possibly be still mad about that! She almost made you look like a clown at the concert in Ohio! And who is this accountant? And why does she need to be in your bus?!

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