Chapter 2

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© asat3683

Strange meets weird - Chapter 2

Linny's grandma on her mother side died a year after Linny's mom, but her grandma on her father's side was always around. In fact, every Sunday Linny and Amy went to visit grandma Mary and had lunch with her while chatting about the recent developpments of their lives. Grandma Mary was always full of questions, but neither girl minded answering them; they loved the old lady to death and were enchanted by her company.

- Linny darling, what are you going to do for Halloween this year?

- Amy and I are going to a costume party organized by my company... We just need to find the perfect costumes.

- Why don't you girls go to the attic and look for my old trunk. Your grandpa and I used to collect costumes. You could borrow a couple or at least it could give you ideas.

- Oh, that would be awesome grandma! Thanks! We'll check it out after lunch. I remember you used to have very cool outfits.

The attic at grandma Mary's house was filled with object she had collected over the years, but the trunk was featured prominently in the middle of the room. Amy and Linny soon began searching for outfits and trying on whatever they could find. There were some really beautiful costumes so the girls were truly happy and having lots of fun.

Amy soon found a mirror to check out the red wig she had discovered. It had been covered by a sheet of white silk, covered by dirt, but Amy had a great eye for finding the hidden treasures in any place. This time it was no different, the mirror in itself was a treasure. It was golden with lots of detailed symbols on the frame and precious stones making it even more valuable and stunning.

- Look Lynny! Isn't it beautiful? It looks like it belongs to a fairy tale.

- Well, let's see: “mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?” ... Nope, it still shows you, it must be broken.

- Very funny Linny. But just touch it. Isn't it wonderful?

- Actually it is, in a very strange, out of this world, kind of way…

And it was strange because as soon as both girls touched the mirror, they felt themselves being drawn to it. They felt a strong wind and then they saw themselves falling into darkness.


Author's note: it's a short chapter but in the next one the adventure begins...

Picture of "Amy" (Rachel Bilson) on the side.

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